الثلاثاء، 2 فبراير 2016

Abou El Fadl bin Jaafar Mu'tadid

Abou El Fadl bin Jaafar Mu'tadid Muqtadir God of the Abbasid caliphs. Born in Ramadan in the year 282 AH and entrusted his brother Muktafi succession, and her guardian after the death of Muktafi at the age of thirteen years, Yale has not accepted the caliphate younger than him. The system misfire much of his time to his childhood, and his mother was Mrs. riot large role in running the country's affairs and his ministers and officials. It is a fortunate Muqtadir: «that his minister Ali Issa wanted to fit between the son of a rising, and between Abu Bakr Ibn Abi Dawood Sijistani, the minister said: O Abu Bakr Abu Mohammad Akbar from you, if you have him, he said I do not do, the minister said: You Sheikh Ziv , said Ibn Abi Dawood: Sheikh falsity liar on the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him. He said: of?, He said: This. He then Ibn Abi Dawood said: fancied that I humiliated you for the sake of my living up to your hand, and God does not take something out of your hand never. Muqtadir reached, it became weighs his living with his hand, and sends it in a dish on the server hands ». Killed in the year (320 e).
And little history book caliphs for the resettlem

الخميس، 28 يناير 2016

Al-Muktafi Al-Mu'tadid

Al-Muktafi Al-Mu'tadid conciliator Bin Talha bin Mutawakil Abbasi.
Mu'tadid son of Abu Abbas Ahmed Bin Talha bin Mutawakkil conciliator. And his mother was born or Turkish name Cicek was born in 236 AH. And failures of succession after the death of his father Mu'tadid era of it and the other in the spring of the year 289 AH. April 15 902. Khalifa was still that died on 12 November with the year 295 AH. August 13 was the year 908. Six years and six months and 19 days duration.
Fight Qaramita and fought valiantly, intensity and killed Yahya bin Zkurah Qarmati the year 290 for Migration In the year 291 to migrate all of Al-Hussein Bin Zkurah Qarmati killed and his servant, whose title Mutawaq the light, and his cousin Isa bin Republic and these, according to Suyooti of claimants to Prophethood Fezfr them and kill them. In the same year tar for Moktefi God Anatolia news open Muslims, including Imola and in large flocks, according to Suyuti. Ali Muktafi God died in Baghdad on 12 November with 295 for Migration, a young man and finally Abu Bakr bin Yahya al-Suli said: I heard Muktafi says in his illness: God, what sorrow, but the seven hundred thousand dinars disbursed money of Muslims in buildings that need it and I was able to do without them afraid to ask them and I ask forgiveness of God . He and Abu Mohammed Muktafi God Abbasi al-Baghdadi al-Hashemi.

الأربعاء، 27 يناير 2016

Abu Abbas Ahmad Al-Mu'tadid

Abu Abbas Ahmad Al-Mu'tadid, Abbasi Khalifa. Apparent him after the death of his uncle adopted to God was, brave solemn apparent tyranny, a severe toll on spoilers. It is the first Khalifa Abbasi was not his father's successor by him where his father did not Atol Talha corresponding succession like the three brothers (Moataz Bellah, based on God, the victor in God)
Rebounded Abbasid Caliphate after the inauguration of his uncle Caliph based on God's power in 256 AH / 870 AD), and he went back to what it enjoyed the prestige and reverence, and passed the influence of Turks who tampered with caliphs,
They no longer have control over anything, and did not Caliph adopted is the one who is behind this boom in succession, but his brother and his Crown Prince conciliator Talha is emitter this awakening, and was commander of skillful, and politically astute, a high mettle and strong determination, grabbing the reins things, and the leadership of the soldiers, and fight enemies, stationed on the frontlines, and the appointment of ministers and princes, was spent on his greatest achievement Zinj revolution, and was a massive revolution that lasted more than fourteen years, and almost ridden succession.
Djaev Samarqandi eyebrow said: I was with Moulay Mu'tadid (Caliph) in some Mtshehadath, has been cut off from the military and not with others, if we came out a lion. He went our intention, he said to me Mu'tadid: Hey Djaev AFIC good today? I said: No, God. He said, not that I'm stuck equine and sent down? I said: Yes. He said, came down from his horse and stitches Parties his clothes in his area, and drew his sword and threw Bejrabh to me, and then submitted to the Assad Assad leaped he struck him with the sword, The framework of his hand Vachtgl Assad in his hand hit him again on his head Vvlgaha, Fakhr al-Assad to bits delegation him he wiped his sword in Soufa then accept to Voghamd his sword in Ejrabh, then rode his horse .. so we went to the military said, and his company until he died. What I heard him mention it to one, what is know of anything impressed? Of courage or lack of celebration where it did not mention the one? Or from non-threshold where Dhannt myself with him, and what God Atbna the cat. "
He had sowed justice and prosperity stated grievances and canceled tax is loved by the people and for his service to overcoming the sultans and wars led by himself and restored the prestige of the Arabs and the sons of Abbas.

السبت، 28 نوفمبر 2015

al-Moatamed ballah

al-Moatamed ballah  his name is Ahmed al-Moatamed ala Allah Abo al-Aabas abn al-Motwakel ala AllahGaafar al-Moatasem ballah ibn Mohamed ibn al-Rashed Abbasi . He published and his brother conciliator differences between the influence of the Turks to re-Abbasid Caliph to normal as Muhtadee Billah feedback before you wear it, and the conciliator to address the revolution Zinj, while he was addressing the revolution, the Caliph tried to convey the Abbasid caliphate to Egypt, which was ruled by Tulunid state founded by Ahmed bin Toulon fear to be under the command of his brother, the conciliator, but the conciliator knowledge of the matter and ordered to return the to Baghdad..Al-Mu'tadid died in 892 AD and pregnancy and buried in Samarra. The succession of twenty-three years and took after him Caliphate Al-Mu'tadid historians have hit in the naming of the era ofal-Moatamed ala allah awakening of the Abbasid Caliphate.

الجمعة، 27 نوفمبر 2015

Al-Muhtadi ballah

Abo Eshak muhammad Al-Muhtadi ballah bin al-Wasek is the Abbasid Caliph XIV, before the oath of allegiance one even came Palmatz arose convert him and handed him the succession and sat  brought witnesses Vhhdoa to Moataz he is incapable of succession confessed thus extending his hand Fbaya convert rose then convert to the chest Council .
Caliph Muhtadee Billah was a man of devout brave firm lover of justice complying biography of Omar bin Abdul Aziz in the justice and governance, try to restore the Abbasid Caliphate prestige and status, and stop the tyranny of the Turks and despotism; try to make a band in their ranks and hit each other to weaken them and transmit the dispute between them, but they are aware smart for trying and rushed to get rid of it. The whole Turk convert to kill, they have increased their influence. And they went to him then fight for convert Moroccans and Lafragnh and Alohroessnah and killed Turks in day four thousand and as long as the fighting to the Caliph army defeated the Turks and captured and handed over to someone spiteful of them still torments him until he died in an Recep six and fifty years was the succession only fifteen days a year and it came to the Turks He arose and wrote Floater Rhaa and threw in mosques O Muslims claimed God Khaliftkm Justice satisfaction emulator to Omar bin Abdul Aziz that God supports him on his enemy.between his hands 

الخميس، 26 نوفمبر 2015

Abu Abdullah bin al-Moataz

Is Abu Abdullah bin al-Moataz bin Mutawakkil bin Mutassim bin Rashid was born in 231 AH. Apparent succession after take off Musta'in God in 4 Muharram 252 AH. It is still the ruler to take off in the same 27 years of Rajab 255 AH. He was on the Crown Caliphate nineteen-year-old Hassan was adorable.
Said Ali Ibn war: What I saw his successor the best of it, which is the first of the latest Find any passenger is marked gold and caliphs was riding Bahalih light silver
In the first year of his succession Ahnas Turkish which Astkhalafh confident the Sultanate Fastkhalaf Moataz Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Taher died then isolated Fastkhalaf brother Abu Ahmed and directed the crown of gold and then remove him after a while and sultn BGA Acharabi went on Moataz killed so from the beginning of the Proud assume who was imprisoned He and his brother, the pro order of the Caliph Musta'in and take Moataz Turks aided who cast him from prison and appointed him Khalifa in Samarra, then Okhaddoa allegiance of Musta'in who fled to Baghdad the help commanders Turks are "Bga_oosif" Then began the era of the Proud, waving his brother from prison and made him his heir then isolated and imprisoned The killing began Moataz differentiates led the Turks with him Vozaaj this act Turks and started Ahacboh Ali his mistakes and Atrbesoa him and Estdouna money for them has he sent to his mother, "ugly" Wife Mutawakil to ask her some money but I learned sons Turks in the salvation of her son and learned its end either sent money or not and already tortured Turks Caliph Moataz even cede jurisdiction of the Muhtadi bin confident with non-payment of money to the Turks Okhaddoh in the desert a lot and hurting him and cut off his head and got to whip his brother pro and wear of the mandate of the Covenant and he died of skin Faty witnesses that his brother was not killed, and after a while in Rajab 255 for Migration rebellion Turks on their leader son Summer and demanded money from the Proud, a mother asked the ugly did not give him the meanest of them was agreed Turk to kill him and crucified him, Khalaoh and Bayaoa Mohammed bin confident and killed him on 27 Rajab 255 for Migration, the first Khalifa died of thirst, and died son of Moataz in the year 296

الأربعاء، 25 نوفمبر 2015

Ahmed bn al-Mutassim

Is Ahmed bn al-Mutassim bin Rashid, a brother of al-Mutawakkil and al-Wasek and his mother's name Mukhaariq. he was born in 220 AH. Apparent succession on the day he died the Al-Muntasir, the day 25 years of the first spring 248 e. Khalifa was still to take off on Friday, 4 Muharram 252 AH As Tmkr him Turks feared and descended from Samarra to Baghdad, they sent him apologize and are subject to him and ask him back and he refuses brought him prison and driven out Moataz Bellah and Bayaoh and took off Musta'in then equipped Moataz army thick to fight Musta'in fell between them and projections, and as long as the fighting for months and many killings and GLT Price and bone scourge and dissolved ordered Musta'in they sought in Magistrate stripped himself Musta'in I certify the judges. Moataz sent to Ahmad Ibn Tulun to go to Musta'in kill him, he said God does not kill the children of the caliphs Vndb him happy Vzbha eyebrow in the third of Shawwal of the year at the age of 31