الخميس، 5 نوفمبر 2015

Hisham bin Abdul Malik

Hisham bin Abdul Malik al-Qurashi Umayyad (71-125 e) (691 m - 743 m) was tenth Umayyad caliphs (ruled: 105-125 AH / 724-743 AD), was in the custody of the maximum breadth of the Islamic empire, fought the Byzantines and seized his armies on Narbonh and reached the gates of Poitiers (France) where she signed Battle of Tours. Umayyads ruled areas in 750 AD by the Umayyad dynasty in 750 AD
Islamic conquests witnessed during the reign of Hisham bin Abdul Malik significant progress.
Born in Damascus. Apparent succession after the death of his brother in more than 723 m. And increased in the custody of tribalism between Almdharah and Alemnip, caught mesmerized many revolutions around the country: the Kharijites revolution and Shiites in Kufa (led by Zaid bin Ali bin Al-Hussein), and Berbers in Morocco; as well as troubled strife in the country beyond the river, has spent all of them acknowledged for his skill and cunning and strength.
During his reign became the state of the Umayyad start a permanent capital and the seat of the caliphate of Damascus, the capital of the summer, a city of Rusafa on the Euphrates in Syria River called Rusafa Hisham defined as gardens and orchards miniature orchards Damascus, interested in the organization of the bureaucracy, and the work to take care of science and culture, and translated in the custody of a lot of literature. Work on the reform of agriculture Fjvv swamps and increased the area of ​​cultivated land on the banks of rivers and around the state. He gave expansions, and achieved many victories over the Romans and in the south of the Caspian Sea. His reign marked by the rule of safety in the Levant and across the Islamic country. Rasafa died, and is one of the powerful Umayyad caliphs.

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