السبت، 31 أكتوبر 2015

Abdul Malik bin Marwan

Abdul Malik bin Marwan Umayyad al-Qurashi, Abu al-Walid (26 H - 86 H / 646-705 AD). Fifth Umayyad caliphs and was one of the greatest Caliphs, the title of the father of Kings (Referee: H 65 - 86 H / 685-705 AD), has expanded the Umayyad dynasty and flourished in his Damascus was the capital of the state flag and a beacon of the greatest cities of the Muslim world. Took Abdul Malik bin Marwan succession after the death of his father, Marwan e 65 years, after a difficult period filled with political troubles, and was divided between the Islamic state Khalaftin. The Umayyad dynasty Egypt and the Levant control while Iraq and the Hijaz under a succession of Abdullah Ibn al-Zubayr who ran the succession of Mecca. Sent Abdul Malik bin Marwan bin Yusuf pilgrims in order to simplify the Umayyad influence over the entire Islamic land.
Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf went to Iraq and defeated and to Basra. Then Hajjaj bin Yusuf came out with his army to Taif, and wait for the successor to provide him with more armies, Vetoalt armies to him even piety completely, walked to Mecca and laid siege to Ibn al-Zubayr where, and installation of catapults on the Abu Kubais and on Mount Qaiqaan, and the long months of the war. And killed Ibn al-Zubayr and defeated his army.
Crown King Abdul pilgrims to Iraq for frequent strife there. This emerged after Abdul Rahman bin Shaggy to turn against the Umayyad dynasty asked the pilgrims of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan periods Votah what he wanted and decapitate bin Shaggy.
Action Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan in the succession to lay the foundations of the Islamic state and the protection of the state and the spread of Islam in distant lands where the open country of Morocco in succession and generosity of scientists, intellectuals and attracted to Damascus beacon of science and created the role of science in the nation's capital and in the Islamic cities and has in his time a lot of achievements that are still to this day.
He worked hard Abdul Malik bin Marwan in securing the borders of the state and subjected Armenia and the coasts of Syria and the opening of the defenses of important issues include the Mrash and Amuriyah and Antioch in 62 Hegira gave the order to take over Musa Bin Naseer Africa is the sequel conquests in, and went to open more of the country, showed ingenuity in the affairs of the Department of State and used the elite of skilled men of his time did much of his time and issued the first Islamic currency and unified weights and was a major economic step liberated the Islamic state's economy from dependence on foreign currency the most important Byzantine dinar, and Arabs bureaucracy and abscess and trained cadres on money affairs management was an important step in Islamic history.
SEC dinars during the reign of Abdul Malik bin Marwan It is located in the British Museum
Abdul Malik bin Marwan was able to overcome the political problems, and establishes the State of
New rules on strong foundations, so several historians the second founder of the Umayyad state

الجمعة، 30 أكتوبر 2015

Marwan I ibn Al-hakam

Marwan I ibn Al-hakam ibn  Abi al-Aas Qurashi fourth Umayyad caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty (2 AH-65 AH / March 28 623-7 May 685 AD) in Damascus. (Referee: 64 AH-65 AH / 683-685m), and the second founder of the Umayyad dynasty. Apparent by his succession after the death of the Umayyad Muawiya ibn Yazid. The influence of the Umayyad had pledged allegiance to the weakness of most of the regions where the Caliph Abdullah bin Zubair. Even Sham, the influence of the Umayyad stronghold, has been divided between Mbaiein to Marwan I and Mbaieian to Abdullah bin Zubair, led Dahhaak bin Qais, who dominated on Damascus. Marwan Dahhaak Army attacked Voqah Bmarj Rahat and defeated him. After control of the Levant, Marwan went to Egypt with his army, which had pledged allegiance to Abdullah bin Zubair, income and passed his son Abdul Aziz bin Marwan them. The fall of Egypt, which had supplied Abdullah bin Zubair Balglal in Mecca became weak position.
Marwan sent armies created: the first to the Hijaz to fight Abdullah bin Zubair and the second to fight Musab ibn al-Zubayr's brother Abdullah and Oalih on Iraq. The first and the second army defeated the army did not achieve its objectives.
Marwan Matt has succeeded in subjecting the Levant and Egypt to the Umayyads while failure in the control of the Hijaz and Iraq.
His son, Abdul Malik bin Marwan succession after him and succeeded in eliminating Abdullah bin Zubair and extend its control over all of the Islamic state and the opening of the Maghreb

الخميس، 29 أكتوبر 2015

Muawiya ibn Yazid

Muawiya ibn Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan ibn Harb bin illiteracy Umayyad al-Qurashi, known Bamaaoah second, third Caliphs, arrived in succession after his father more than in the year 64. The succession of three months Bean and forty days other words, and then went to the podium and announced to leave the succession.
Masoudi said: and the king of Muawiya ibn Yazid after his father, was his days forty days until he died, and was told: two months, and was told otherwise, and was known as the father of increases, but when the Crown Caliphate Abu Leila, this match was the underdog of the Arabs, and the poet says :
I see strife Hajt M'zajlha and King after Abi Layla those dense with
And when death was attended by the children of illiterate met him and said to him: to confide than I saw of your household, said: God, what tasted the sweetness of Khalavtkm how Otqld and diminished. And Taatjlon you sweetness, and Otjl bitter, Oh God, I am innocent of them Mtkhal about, Oh God, I do not find Navarra as parents Shura Vajolha them pitching her they see Welcome her, she said to him his mother: I wish I rag menstrual cycle did not hear from you this speech, he said to her and Whitney ma Rag menstruation did not Otqld this, Otvoz illiteracy Bhlautea sons and I acknowledge my Bozarha and prevent its people? Both! I am innocent of them have Tnozaa in the cause of his death, some of whom felt that watering a drink and some of them felt that Matt doom his nose, and some of them felt that stab, and arrested the son of a twenty-two years, and was buried in Damascus, and bless him Alwaleed Bin Bin Abi Sufyan threshold, to be the case his after him, and when he Enlarge second appeal fell dead before the end of the prayer, introduced Uthman ibn Abi Sufyan bin threshold, said: Nbayek? He said, that does not fight and I begin fighting, so it Vobwa, became to Mecca, and entered the inter Ibn al-Zubayr.

Yazid Ibn Muawiyah

Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan Umayyad Qurashi Damascene (born 23 Ramadan 26 for Migration and died on Tuesday 14 March 64 AH / July 20 647 and died on November 12, 683), (judgment of 15 July 60 to migrate to 14 March 64 AH / April 21 to November 12 680 683).
Born in succession companion Othman bin Affan in 26 of migration. In the village of Alamatron Mason and his mother is the girl Bhdl canis, Muawiya later divorced her. He lived period of his life in the desert between his maternal uncles.
Took over the succession after the death of his father in 60 years of immigration was left of the opponents of the idea inaugural throne - four - when he came to power is the companion Hussein bin Ali, the Companion Abdullah bin Zubair. In 61 years of migration companion Hussein went to Iraq after he sent people to come and become a prince, but once arrived there even abandoned the idea and went to war with Hussein Obeid-Allah ibn Ziyad army ended his martyrdom. Year 62 for Migration passed without major events, but the opposition companion Abdullah bin Zubair in the Hijaz, Tihama taken into growth railed people of Medina in the year 63 of migration on over and laid down their oath of allegiance and showed Abdullah bin Zubair cursing increases, the increases processing army to fight Abdullah bin Zubair , and that the people of the city refused to return in obedience. 63 years of migration ended Banhzam people of the city and continued the siege and the fight against opponents of Mecca until the death in more than 64 years of migration.
After his death, his personality over the controversial among historians, scientists and the public about his conversion to Islam or infidels remained, and about him or prevention of it, and set it on the hostility family of the house or innocence of the monument, and about drinking alcohol or acquitted

الأربعاء، 28 أكتوبر 2015

Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan

Abdul Rahman Abu Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan Umayyad al-Qurashi, of the Prophet Muhammad and one of the owners of the Book of Revelation. Sixth caliph in Islam and the founder of the Umayyad dynasty in Syria, the first successors. Born in Mecca and learn writing and arithmetic, and gave up before the conquest of Mecca, and when Caliph Abu Bakr and above the leadership of the army under the command of his brother Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan, was the introduction in the open and Arka Sidon, Byblos and Beirut City. When the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab made him ruler of Jordan, and then above Damascus after the death of the emir over (his brother), and then Lah Osman bin Affan Levantine home and make all the governors Omassarha subordinate to him. After the killing of Osman became Ali bin Abi Talib al-Khalifa An argument disagreement between him and rolling around the act to be done after the murder of Caliph Uthman to be assassinated son outside mg graduate Vetoly his son Hassan bin Ali succession and then give it up for the rolling year 41 AH according to the era between them, founded the Muawiya State Umayyad capital of Damascus, and  took him

Umayyad state

Umayyad Caliphate (41-132 AH / 662-750 AD) is the second succession in the history of Islam, and the largest in the history of Islam. The sons of the ruling was the first Muslim families illiteracy, it ruled from the year 41 AH (662 m) to 132 AH (750 AD), and was the capital of the state in the city of Damascus. Umayyad dynasty reached the peak amplitude during the reign of Caliph tenth Hisham bin Abdul Malik, as it extended its borders from the parties to China in the east to the south of France to the west, and was able to open Africa, Morocco, Andalusia and the south of Gaul and Sindh and beyond the river.
Umayyads in their lineage due to illiteracy bin Abd Shams tribe of Quraish. And he had an important role in the era of ignorance and during the Islamic period. Aslam Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan in the era of Prophet Mohammed, and founded the Umayyad dynasty on his hand, and he once ruler of Sham during the reign of Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, then broke a dispute between him and Ali ibn Abi Talib after the Siege of Uthman, even cede his son Hassan succession to Sid after the death of his father, state Vtosst so. Sid took the Byzantines for some semblance of governance and administration as making the hereditary succession when the reign to his son over the mandate of the Covenant, and took the throne and surrounded himself with guards and splendor King, and built him a special compartment in the mosque, also established the Office of the ring and the mail system. After the death of more than disrupted things, demanded Ibn al-Zubayr succession, then managed Abdul Malik bin Marwan I of the defeated and killed him in his 73 years of Mecca, landed state again.
Greater conquests took place during the reign of the Umayyad Walid bin Abdul Malik, Morocco completed the dialogue open, and opened up the whole of Andalusia, and opened the Sindh led by Muhammad bin Qasim and Transoxiana led Qutaiba ibn Muslim. His successor, Suleiman bin Abdul Malik, who died on the battlefield during his siege of Constantinople, then Zahid Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz, who is one of the best biography of the Umayyad caliphs. And his successor, after his cousin over, then Hisham, who opened his reign in the south of France, and his reign was long and many stability. After his death the country has entered into a state of extreme turmoil, even Marwan II dominated the succession, he took moving between regions and suppress the revolutions and upheavals, and then met with the Abbasids in the Battle of the Zab defeated and killed, and the end of the Umayyad dynasty.
Witnessed the reign of the Umayyad dynasty, revolutions and many did test, and was Mnfzu most of these revolutions either Khawarij or Shiites. The most prominent of those revolutions Hussein Bin Ali revolt against Yazid, when a student succession, where she met with him Umayyad armies in the Battle of Karbala, which ended with his death. And then the many Shiite revolts to avenge him, including those who repent revolution and the revolution in the chosen Althagafi, then Hdooa irrepressible after more than half a century until Zaid bin Ali revolution. The Kharijites rebelled again and again, but did not calm down for nearly twenty years between the middle of the reign of King Abdullah and the beginning of the era increases. It was for months the governors of the Umayyad Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf significant role in the suppression of these revolutions and comfort her during the late first century, especially as he had to and from Iraq and the Levant, which was - and especially the city of Kufa - the worst enemies of Umayyad rule, while the Levant is an ally of the Umayyads and their capital. Of the fiercest revolutions that developed on the Umayyad dynasty also revolutions Abdullah bin Zubair and Abdul Rahman bin Shaggy.

الثلاثاء، 27 أكتوبر 2015

Ali bin Abi Talib

Ali bin Abi Talib bin Muttalib al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (13 Rajab 23 s e / March 17 599 m - 21 Ramadan 40 AH / January 27 661 m) cousin of Mohammed bin Abdullah, the Prophet of Islam and his brother in law, from each house, and foster when he died and his parents and grandfather, and a his companions, is the fourth Caliphs when the year and one of the ten missionaries heaven and the first Shiite imams.
Born in Mecca and sources indicate that his birth date was in the middle of the Kaaba, [1] and his mother Fatima girl lion Hashemite. Aslam before the Prophet's migration, which is the second or third people entering into Islam, and the first of the safest of the boys. Migrated to Medina after the migration of Muhammad and three days with his brother Mohammed himself while brotherhood among Muslims, and his wife, his daughter Fatima in the second year of migration.
Ali participated in the invasions of each apostle except the Battle of Tabuk, where his successor, where Mohammed of the city. [2] and knew Bhdth and his proficiency in the fighting was an important factor in the victory of Muslims in various battles, notably the Battle of the Trench and the Battle of Khyber. I was on the position of the Prophet Muhammad confidence was a Book of Revelation and the most important one of his ministers and ambassadors.
The status of Ali bin Abi Talib and his relationship with the owners of the Prophet into a historical and ideological disagreement between different Islamic sects, sees some of them that God has chosen a trustee and an imam and a successor to the Muslims, and that Muhammad had declared in a speech Bourne, therefore considered that the selection of Abu Bakr to succeed Muslims was contrary to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad , as they see that some of his companions were tense relationship. On the contrary, some of whom deny the occurrence of such an installation, and they see that the Prophet by the owners of the relationship was good and stable. The difference in belief about Ali is the original cause of the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites over the ages.
Apparent succession in 35 AH (656 AD) in Medina, was sentenced to five years and three months was described by political instability, but it was marked by significant progress of civilization, especially in the capital of the new caliphate Kufa. And signed a lot of fights because of sedition, which is an extension of the Siege of Uthman, which led to the dispersion of Muslims row and their division of the Shiite Ali al-Khalifa legitimate, and Shiites Osman claimants his blood led Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan who the killer in two rows, girl Abu Bakr, Aisha, along with Talha and Zubair bin Floater killers who on the day of the sentences by the most recent strife Some even Atharboa; also came out on the group knew Baljuj and defeated them in Nahrawan, featured Taade groups and disassociate itself from his rule and Ssayasth named Balnoesb Perhaps the most prominent of the Kharijites. Cited by Abdul Rahman bin mg in 40 AH Ramadan in the year 661 AD.
Ali became famous when Muslims Balvsahh and wisdom, Veensp him a lot of poems and aphorisms. It is also a symbol of courage and strength and is characterized by justice and asceticism novels contained in the books of modern history. It is also of the greatest scientists of his day note accordingly if not the oldest ever as Shiites and some Sunnis believed, including a number of Sufi difference

Othman bin Affan

Othman bin Affan Umayyad al-Qurashi (47 Q.h - 35 AH / 576-656 AD) [1] third Caliphs, and one of the ten promised Paradise, and the former to Islam. The lights nicknamed because he married two of the daughters of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, where he married a paper and then after her death he married Umm Kulthum.
Osman was the first immigrant to Abyssinia to save Islam and was followed by other immigrants to the land of Abyssinia. Then emigrated second migration to Medina. The Messenger of Allah trust him and love him and honor him for modesty and good morals and considerate and had his money to support the Muslims and those who believe in God, and ravenously paradise such as Abu Bakr, Omar and Ali and the rest of the ten, and told him that he would die a martyr.
Apparent Osman succession after the Shura, which took place after the death of Omar bin al-Khattab the year 23 AH (644 AD), and his successor lasted for about twelve years. Has been in the custody of the collection of the Qur'an and the work of expansion of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, and opened in the custody of a number of countries and expanded the Islamic state, it is countries that have opened up in the days of his succession Armenian and Khorasan and Kerman and Sajistan, Africa, Cyprus. The first naval fleet to protect the Islamic Islamic beaches of attacks was established by the Byzantines.
In the second half of succession Othman, which lasted for twelve years, sedition events that led to the A_i_hadh.okan that on Friday, 18 of Dhul Hijjah 35 AH appeared, at the age of eighty-two years old, and was buried in Baqi in Medina.


Abu Hafs Omar ibn al-Khattab infection Qurashi, nicknamed Balfarouk, is the second caliph of the Prophet Mohammed and senior owners, and one of the most people and leaders in Islamic history and the most influential. It is one of the ten promised Paradise, and the Companions and scholars Zhadhm. He took over the Islamic caliphate after the death of Abu Bakr, on August 23 the year 634 AD, corresponding to the twenty-second of June the second year 13 AH. The son of a judge of the speech expert has known for his justice and redress grievances of the people, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, and that was one of the reasons named Balfarouk, to differentiated between right and wrong.
Is the founder Calendar, in his time was Islam a great amount, and the expansion of the Islamic state until full Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Persia, Khorasan and eastern Anatolia and South Armenian and Sajistan included, who enter Jerusalem under Muslim rule for the first time, the third holiest cities in Islam, and thus absorbed State Islamic entire territory of the Sasanian Persian Empire and about two-thirds of the territory of the Byzantine Empire. Demonstrated genius Omar Bin military discourse in the organization multiple campaigns addressed to subdue the Persians who outnumbered the Muslims' strength, enabling the entire empire to open in less than two years, as demonstrated by its ability political, administrative and wisdom through the diaper on the cohesion and unity of the state was its size is growing day after day and increase the number of its inhabitants varied ethnicity.

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

Abu Bakr Abdullah bin Othman Taymi Qurashi (50 s e - 13 e / 573 m - 634 m) is the first Caliphs, and one of the ten promised Paradise, a Minister of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad and his companion, and his companion when he emigrated to Medina. Prepared by the Sunnis and the community good people after the prophets and apostles, and more companions of faith and ascetic, and to love the people of the Prophet Muhammad after his wife Aisha. Usually attached to the title name of Abu Bakr Siddiq, a title to title him of the Prophet Muhammad to the large number of unbelievable to him.
Abu Bakr was born in Mecca in 573 AD in the elephant after two years and six months, [1] [2] and it was rich Quraish in ignorance, and when he invited him to Islam, the Prophet Muhammad Aslam without hesitation, was the first of the safest of free men. Abu Bakr then migrated companion of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, and witnessed the Battle of Badr and the scenes are all with the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet of what his illness in which the disease is Abu Bakr died that leads the people in prayer. Prophet Muhammad died on Monday 12 March the year 11 AH, and failures of Abu Bakr succession on the same day, he began to manage Islamic affairs of state to appoint governors, the judiciary and the conduct of armies, and wore many Arab tribes about Islam, he took it is fighting and sent armies to fight even subjected Arabian Peninsula whole under Islamic rule, and when he ended the wars of apostasy, Abu Bakr began under the guidance of the Islamic armies to open Iraq and the Levant, Iraq opened the most significant part of the land of Sham. Abu Bakr died on Monday, 22 Jumada II AH 13 years, the age of sixty-three years old, succeeded after him, Omar bin al-Khattab.

الاثنين، 26 أكتوبر 2015

The Mughal

The Mughal Empire largest empire as a single bloc, and the second largest empire in history in terms of area after the British Empire, and the greatest horror over the history of Eurasia. It is the result of the unification of the tribes of the Mongols and Turks in the so-called offline Mongolia, began Ptimujan (Genghis Khan), who announced the governor her in 1206 was the light of the invasions that have reached their maximum extent in 1405 of the Danube basin until the Sea of ​​Japan, and Veliky Novgorod near the Russian Finnish border to Cambodia where peoples ruled approximate population of 100 million people and an area of ​​land of $ 33 million km 2 (12.741 million mi 2) or 22% of the land area on the globe. For these reasons, this empire also known as the World Mughal Empire, as it spread to most parts of the ancient world known. Many new technologies and different ideologies spread across Eurasia, during the reign of this empire prolonged.
Early rupture of that empire in the wake of the war on inheriting rule between 1260 and 1264 between the Golden Horde and boxes Gakatay emerged by which it serves as the independence and refused to submit to Kublai Khan Kkhacan the Mongols. But after the death of Kublai Khan's empire was divided into four boxes or empires, each of which aims to achieve the interests and special interests, but the empire as a whole remained a cohesive, united and strong. Adults took the Yuan Dynasty boxes, the title of the emperors of China, and they move to the capital of Karakorum Khan fami offline (Beijing). Although most of the fields that accept these new rulers and offered them some loyalty and support after the peace treaty in 1304, the three western fields has enjoyed almost complete independence, and each of them continued prosperity and growth alone, as a sovereign state. By the end of the fourteenth century most of the boxes Empire had disintegrated and ended her, despite the fact that the Northern Yuan Dynasty continued by virtue of Mongolia until the seventeenth century.

الأحد، 25 أكتوبر 2015

mother of the world

Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations in the world that have appeared before writing and recording history, where Astotntha primitive peoples since ancient times dating back to the late Paleolithic (110 thousand years BC), was used in ancient Egyptian human tools of carved stone sculpture simple, and was used as wood and stones as weapons Hunting and defend himself.

Panel Narmer
In the period dating back to 6000 or 5500 BC Having said rain and prevailed drought and disappeared plants in the late Paleolithic, man was forced to leave the plateau and the use of the Nile Valley (Delta and Fayoum Central and Egypt) in search of water, in this new environment guided Rights to Agriculture, and produced grains such as wheat and barley, and Stans animal and took care of livestock, goats and sheep, and lived a life of stability and order and construction rather than navigate life, and learn agriculture, and the previous civilization of the civilizations of that time, and established houses of mud and wood, which showed the population centers in the form of small villages, Rights and took care to bury their dead in graves, as developed in this era machinery and tools industry where characterized by precision, small size, also making clay pots, featuring Neolithic transition to agriculture, stability and the domestication of animals, and improve the tools and weapons industry and housing construction and tombs and pottery.
Egyptians knew early writing, and settled in small communities and began to be civil nucleus by almost forty centuries, and began to state formation during that era was a lot of cities on both sides of the River Nile, such as good and Memphis and Bhutto and Herakonobliss and Olevatanin and Bobastis and Tanis and Abydos and Oxues and Sais and Heliopolis, but has shrunk over the centuries into three large cities in Upper Egypt were: Tinis and betray and Nakada.
And it divides the pre-dynastic period into three main parts relative to the site where the archaeological material: North sites from about the year 5500 there are BC and left traces of cultural stability but not Kmthelh in the south, and show the effects on that in about 3000 BC existed force major political was a factor that led to the integration of the first Kingdom united in ancient Egypt, where dating to this period the oldest hieroglyphics discovered, and began to kings and rulers names appear on the effects, and continued the case until the atheist and the thirtieth century 3200 BC where Mina came or united the two countries north Narmer and the South (Delta and level), and thought alot of Egyptologists that King Narmer is the last king of this covenant, and others put him in the first

السبت، 24 أكتوبر 2015

Antara ibn Shaddad

He was born into the tribe of 'Abs, in the region of Najd. His father, Shaddad, was a respected Arabic, while the mother, Zabayba, was a black slave of Ethiopia, captured from the Arabs after a war. Her skin was so dark and also his lower lip cleft won him the nickname "al-falḥa' ie" The Split ".

During adolescence and youth he practiced menial jobs because he was the son of a concubine. However he obtained the freedom during the war and Dāhis Ghabra, when his father ordered him to fight and he refused because he was a slave, and he knew only milk; in these words, Shaddad him freed. Later he made courageous gestures that helped the Banu 'Abs during the war and so was welcomed fully into the tribe. Here'Antara fell in love with his cousin,'Abla, who married before they free themselves completely.

He participated in the wars between the tribes and'Abs of Dubai and in what for him was fatal, against the
tribe of Ṭayy', he was killed by an arrow that broke the spine.


England is the largest state in the United Kingdom share a land border with the North in Scotland and Wales in the west and the Irish Sea in the north-west and the Sea of Celts in the south-west and the North Sea in the east, separated by the English Channel to the south of the European continent. It consists of mainland England from the central and southern parts of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic Ocean, and also include more than 100 small islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight. Human settled the first time in the region now known as England in the Paleolithic period, The origin of the word England to the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes that settled during the fifth and sixth century AD. England became a unified state in the year 927 AD, and since the Age of Discovery, which began in the fifteenth century, taking cultural and legal impact extends and spreads slowly across the entire world. Where it originated the English language and the English Anglican Church and the law (which is the basis of the legislative system of public law in many countries around the world), and the parliamentary system of government and accepted by a wide range of other countries. This country was the cradle of the Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century and have made England the first industrial nation in the world.

الجمعة، 23 أكتوبر 2015

Day Blood victory on sword

Battle of Karbala, also called the incident the child is the battle occurred in 10 Muharram 61 for Migration, which coincides with October 12 the year 680 AD between the followers of Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph and the Army continued the caliph of the Umayyad bin Muawiya Ibn al-Khalifa over the first Umayyad Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan. Considered the fact nicer than most battles controversy in Islamic history has been to the results and details of the battle for political, psychological and ideological effects remains controversial to this day, where this battle is the most prominent event of the series of events that have had a pivotal role in shaping the nature of the relationship between Sunnis and Shiites through history. It became the battle of Karbala and the minute details of a symbol of the Shiites and the most important cultural Mrtkzachm, and became on 10 Muharram or the day of Ashura, the day of the battle, a symbol of their belief by Shiites as "the revolution of the oppressed and the oppressor Day victory blood on the sword."


Szigetvár siege or battle szigetvár is the siege imposed on the Ottoman fortress szigetvár which form an obstacle in the way of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in opening up Vienna in 1566 AD. The battle took place between the forces defending Habsburg Monarchy for fortified led by Croatian Nicola Subic Zrnski invading Ottoman forces led a nominal of Sultan Suleiman. Szigetvár siege took place in the period between the fifth of August and the eighth of September of the year 1566, and although it resulted in the victory of the Ottoman However, both sides suffered heavy losses. The two leaders died during the siege: Zrnski during the final battle, but Solomon died in his tent of natural causes. Killed during the siege of more than twenty thousand of the Ottoman army, while Hungarians soldiers exterminated wiped were not spared them little.

الخميس، 22 أكتوبر 2015

The most greatness Conquest

The conquest of Mecca is the invasion took place on the twentieth of Ramadan of the eighth year of immigration, January 10, corresponding to 630 AD, Muslims which could open the city of Mecca and its annexation to the Islamic state. The reason for the invasion is that the tribe of Quraish violated the truce that was between them and the Muslims, and that Baaantha allies among Aldil bin Bakr bin Abdul Manat son of Kenana (specifically the belly of them said to them, "jet sons") in the raid on the tribe Khaza'a, who are allies of the Muslims, Venqdt so outdated with Muslims who called Hudaybiya Treaty. In response, the Prophet Muhammad equipped army of ten thousand fighters to the conquest of Mecca, and the movement of the army until Mecca arrived, entered it handed over without a fight, but what was the point of the Muslim commander Khalid ibn al-Walid, as it tried some men of the Quraish, led by Ikrima ibn Abi Jahl addressed to the Muslims, Vqatlhm Khaled and killed twelve men of them, provided the rest of them, two men and killed two Muslims. And when the Prophet Muhammad came down in Mecca and reassured people, Kaaba came and he did it, and make a stab idols that were around the arch was with him, and says: «came Truth and falsehood that the falsehood was vanish», and «came right and originates falsehood and restore».

Kingdom of Sheba

Kingdom of Sheba: The Arab kingdom old Yemeni There is disagreement about Ncitha stage They are found from atheist century BC, at least it appeared clearly in the tenth century BC was the ninth most powerful unions in the tribal Yemen Yemen was the old name linked to any kingdom exaggerated. Able Kingdom formation political system he described as South Arabian scientists that federal annexed Hadhramaut and Qataban particular and the Kingdom and all of these kingdoms tribes and founded a number of colonies near the Palestine and Iraq as the texts of Assyrian and some set points in the Old Testament gives a glimpse of the existence of Sheba Old in those areas
A lot of the history of political and mysterious Kingdom Orientalists succeeded in rewriting the history of the Kingdom and purified from the myth and the like of the situation that chroniclers after Islam or associated with other cultures such as Ethiopia. The discoveries of modern archaeological research helped to write the history of Saba real chronology, but still faces the dilemma of specialists on this kingdom. The richness of Sheba and its people appear in many of the classic Greek literature and Albeznth, Arabic and Hebrew as well as for the Kingdom of special importance to the ancient peoples around the Mediterranean as a source of trade caravans laden with incense and other aromatic spices. Saba said the three wrote sacred to followers of the Abrahamic religions and most famous stories is the story of the Queen of Sheba and her visit to the king of the children of Israel Solomon months.
Saba tribe name from ancient tribes, and the meaning it has many theories and received mostly character Nonfiction fanciful without physical evidence, but the texts Missned line referred to the murderer meaning or fought with the word of Sheba included this tribe many clans of either NATO or the force, which is in the eyes of Alnsabh and the people News grandfather of old grandparents that up to them many of the Arab tribes assets, but the bulk of Alemnip tribes dating series attributed to Saba and archaeological evidence on this has not yet Vsrd Alnsabh affected by Jews in a way to track the lineages and semi-deification of the old characters but was Torah their source, which drew him those names in addition to the increases of discovering and have localization of the names appear on the face of Hebrew
Was Sbiaon worship Il Mgah (IL-Hafiz) national god, followed by the gods own tribal Each tribe god followed by a national god fathers of the tribes according to ancient beliefs in addition to the sanctification of God Ostr largest gods and which met the four kingdoms of Yemen and tribes to sanctify, and Il is the god of Akkad-Canaanite old shows in Sbiaon names in abundance, such as the donation-il and explain il a Hraahil and Sharhabeel (Hreh IL) and Krbial which means near-il (God) and "Il explain the" meaning "victory-il" or "Il sparkling" and appears in Israeli names such as Samuel, a Sammou Il and Mikael and Gabriel, Kingdom famous Bsdodha the most famous of the ancient Marib and control of a dam on the trade routes that the most important way of incense and by frankincense and transferred the old writing system known Missned line to the positions they had controlled in the north of the Arabian Peninsula, and northern Ethiopia and had them write another system known as the Psalms

الأربعاء، 21 أكتوبر 2015

Son of Carlo Bonaparte

Napoleon Bonaparte The first is the military commander and governor of the King of France and Italy and the Emperor of the French, lived during the late eighteenth century until the early twenties decade of the nineteenth century. France rule in the late eighteenth century as the Consul General, then as Emperor in the first decade of the nineteenth century, where it was for its work and its organizations a significant impact on European policy. Napoleon was born in Corsica to parents belong to the aristocratic class, trace their roots to an ancient noble families of Italy. Caused his father "Carlo Bonaparte", when the French known as "Charles Bonaparte" Brian military school. Then he joined the then famous school of San Cyr military, and in the two schools showed a huge advantage on his comrades, not only in military science but also in literature, history and geography.

The victor of the religion of God

King Nasser Abu Muzaffar Yusuf ibn Ayyub (1138 - 1193 AD), the famous title Saladin military commander of the foundations of the Ayyubid state that united Egypt and the Levant and the Hijaz and Yemen under the Abbasid banner, after spending the Fatimid caliphate, which lasted 262 years. Led the Salah al-Din several battles campaigns against the Franks and others from the Crusaders Europeans for the sake of the holy land which was the Crusaders had seized in the late atheist century restoration, it has been able to eventually regain most of the territory of Palestine and Lebanon, including the city of Jerusalem, after he defeated the house Army Holy humiliating defeat in the battle of Hittin. Known for Salahuddin its tolerance humanity and treated for his enemies, therefore is more people appreciation and respect in the Muslim and the Christian European eastern worlds, where he wrote historians Crusaders for his prowess in a number of positions, most notably when the siege of the castle of Karak in Moab, and as a result of this received Saladin to respect his opponents, particularly Anگltra King Richard I "the Lionheart", and instead of turning to someone unloved in Western Europe, a symbol of impossible equestrian and courage codes, and mentioned in a number of stories and poems Anglo and French belonging to that era.

King of refraction

Richard I (September 8, 1157 - April 6, 1199) King of England since 6 July 1189 and until his death.Cdoq also sentenced to Normandy (on behalf of Richard IV) and the Duke of  Oqtanih and Gasconih and master of Cyprus, Count of Anjou, Maine and Nantes and Mr. Pan Brittany at intervals during his reign. It has been known the title of Richard the Lionheart, even before his coronation thanks to his reputation as a military leader and a great warrior. Muslim historians, and called it the king of refraction. At the age of sixteen, Richard led his army, and subjected rebellions on the throne of his father Henry II of England in the Poitou. President Richard commander as it was during the Third Crusade, having gone Philip II, King of France, and achieved a number of victories over rival Muslim Saladin, in spite of not being able
to capture  of Jerusalem

The death of Abraham Lincoln

Assassinated President of the United States XVI Abraham Lincoln on Good Friday, on April 14, 1865 while attending a play at Ford's American neighbor Theater and the American Civil War was coming to an end. The assassination took place five days after the surrender of Robert E. Lee Confederate Army of Northern Virginia commander of the team Ulysses S. Grant for the Union Army of the Potomac, ending the civil war. Lincoln was the first US president who was assassinated, despite an unsuccessful attempt to kill President Andrew Jackson Thirty years ago the year 1835. the assassination of Lincoln planned theatrical actor John Wilkes Booth in an attempt to revive the issue of the Confederate States, and shot him while he watched The play, accompanied by his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, died at the beginning of the next morning

About Alexander

Alexander III of Macedon, and many other well-known names including: Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great, and Alexander the Great, Alexander the Great and Zulkarnain, is one of the kings of Macedonia, the Greeks, the most famous military leaders and conquerors throughout history. Alexander the Great was born in the city of پala nearly 356 years BC, and studied at the hands of the famous philosopher Aristotle and the world until he reached Rabia XVI. By the general session, he had founded one of the largest and greatest empires of the ancient world has ever known, and that extended from the coast of the Ionian Sea in the west all the way to the Himalayan mountain range to the east. Is one of the most successful military commanders in their careers, it did not happen that was defeated in any battle fought at all. Alexander's legacy includes acculturation created by his conquests, was able to mix up the different Hellenistic Greek culture eastern cultures of peoples under him.

The founder of the Columbia

Simon Jose Antonio de la Sante particularly Trinidad Bolivar er Ponte Palacios E. Blanco, known simply as Simon Bolivar, military and political Venezuelan in the period before the general Alqubtanih to Venezuela Republic, was born in Caracas, capital of Venezuela in July 1783.24 is the founder and president of Gran Colombia, and one of the most prominent figures who played an important role in the liberation of so many Latin American countries that have signed under penalty of Spanish rule since the sixteenth century, such as Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia and Panama. And he called the George Washington America Allatynah.aattabrh many first American hero and an influential figure in the history of the world against the backdrop of a political legacy evident in various Latin American countries, a legacy, which turned out in some cases to national forums mentioned countries. State of Bolivia was named after his name, in his honor and in recognition of the historical role in editing, likewise is the name of Venezuela to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. The political and social ideas and attitudes impetus to the establishment of the Bolivarian curriculum, which was based at the beginning theoretically on Bolivar's political thought and his life and work

الثلاثاء، 20 أكتوبر 2015

new life

Astronomers in Germany reported that the star of a neighboring solar system is the star «kliz

z 667 C» or «GJ 667 C» revolve in its orbit six planets, at least, show that three of which at least uninhabitable, because they spin on the appropriate distance to allow the existence of liquid water , and this is a prerequisite, if not the most important conditions for the existence of life. The researchers said the "ISO" European Observatory in Garching near Munich in southern Germany they did not monitor this by the number of planets that does not exclude the possibility of living by about one star. They explained that they had found during the study of the star «گlیzh 667 C» actually in Scorpio on the seven planets orbiting this star and focused on them. He explained Mikko Tommy participant in the study of the British Hertfordshire University: «We knew from previous studies that this star three planets, and we wanted to see if there were other planets around this star, Vtmkhaddt our study to confirm the existence of these three planets as well as we have demonstrated the existence of a planet additional about this star », and was told that these planets are bigger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.
Scientists also said that the three planets discovered in the habitable zone orbit the star increases the risk of finding Earth-like worlds where conditions may be favorable for the evolution of life. Said astronomer Rory Barnes of the University of Washington. «Instead of looking at the ten-star in search of one planet is likely to be capable of being habitable, we now know that we can look at one star and we have a great opportunity to find several planets» This study is scheduled for publication in the Journal "Ostronomi Ostrovezks Land", ie, "astronomy and astrophysical sciences."

Beloved Palestine

The Palestinian cause and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the term refers to the political and historical dispute humanitarian problem in Palestine starting from 1897 (the First Zionist Congress) to the present. It is considered an essential part of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and the resulting crises and wars in the Middle East.
This dispute fundamentally linked to the emergence of Zionism and Jewish immigration to Palestine and settle there, and the role of the great powers in the events of the region. As the Palestinian issue centered on the issue of Palestinian refugees and the legitimacy of the State of Israel and its occupation of the Palestinian territories in several stages. And the resulting from the massacres committed against the Palestinians and resistance operations against the Jewish state, and the issuance of many resolutions of the United Nations, some of which were historically; such as resolution No. 194 and Resolution No. 242.
This is a conflict, by a lot of analysts and politicians, the central issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict and the cause of this crisis and the tense region. Although this conflict occurs within a relatively small geographical area, but it has the political and media with great interest because of the involvement of many international parties which are often the great powers in the world are involved in it are due to stationed in the sensitive region of the world and its association with problematic issues constitute the peak of the crises of the contemporary world , such as the conflict between East and West, has nothing to Judaism, Christianity and Islam religions among themselves, Arab relations with the West and the importance of Arab oil to Western countries, the importance and sensitivity of the Jewish issue in Western civilization, especially after World War II and the Holocaust and Jewish issues of anti-Semitism and the strong pressure of the Jewish lobbies in the Western world. On the Arab level is a lot of Arab thinkers and theorists and even politicians that the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the central issue and the crisis in the region and is often linked some Arab renaissance thinkers issues and issues of the totalitarian regimes and the weakness of democracy in the Arab world.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Hadi Darwaza

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Hadi Darwaza (June 21, 1887 - July 26, 1984) thinker, writer and nationalist militant Arab born in Nablus, died in Damascus. In addition to the political struggle, it was a man of letters and historian and journalist and translator and interpreter of the Koran. It is one of the founders of the Arab national thought to bright exclusive and Zaki al-Arsuzi side. Struggle took the form of a unitary overcome the fragmentation and artificial boundary conditions, participating in the establishment and activity of political parties and associations independence struggle of Arab unity in Greater Syria (before divided by colonialism in 1920), such as the Arab Society Party girl and Arab independence. It is one of the members of the General Syrian Congress (1919) and secretary of the Constituent Assembly, and one of the authors of the first Syrian constitution. Turkification policy opposed and led many anti-British Mandate over Palestine and the policy of Arab land division activities, anticipating the unification of Syria and Egypt in the fifties of the twentieth century. Considered his autobiography date for the march of struggle the National Movement, independence and unity during the twentieth century. Darwaza left more than fifty books in various sciences related to Arabism and Islam year history, including a series of books in the history of the Arab Movement and assets of Arab nationalism and Arab unity.

الاثنين، 19 أكتوبر 2015

If you Decide to do the impossible you have to make legend

Omar al-Mukhtar

Mr Omar bin Mukhtar bin Omar exiled Hilali (August 20, 1858 - September 16, 1931), the famous Mokhtar-old, nicknamed the sheikh of the martyrs, and the sheikh of the mujahideen, and Lion of the Desert, is the leader of the Senussi roles in Libya, and one of the most famous Arab and Muslim resistance fighters. Farhat belongs to the House of Mnfh semicircular tribe that moves gently in the desert.
Resistant Libby fought against the Italian invasion forces since entering the land of Libya to 1911. fought against the Italians at the age of 53 years for more than twenty years in a large number of battles, to be arrested by the Italians soldiers, and he underwent a mock trial ended with the death sentence by hanging , Vnfzt the sanction although it was a great sick, it was at the time 73 years old and suffered from fever. The aim of the execution of
Omar al-Mukhtar to weaken the morale of the Libyan resistance and the elimination of the Italian anti-government movements, but the result was counterproductive, rose unit revolutions, and ended up that the Italians expelled from the country.
Reap Omar Mukhtar admiration and sympathy of many people during his life, and more people after his execution, Vobar Sheikh the aging, which is fighting for the sake of his country and his religion has attracted the attention of a lot of Muslims and Arabs who were suffering from the yoke of European colonialism at the time, and urged the insurgents to move, and after his death He won his picture hanging on the gallows sympathy more people, from the eastern and western worlds alike, magnify chosen in the minds of people and became a hero martyr. Lamented a number of poets chosen after his execution, featured his character in the film directed by Moustapha Akkad from 1981 titled "Lion of the Desert", in which the body of the Mexican Representative - American Anthony Quinn role of Omar al-Mukhtar.

Social intelligence

Social intelligence in accordance with the original definition of "Edward Thorndike," is "the ability to understand and deal with men and women, boys and girls, and to act wisely in human relations." Social intelligence or IQ Interactive is also equivalent to act intelligently in the relations between people, which is one type of intelligence is specified in the "Howard Gardner's" theory of multiple intelligences which are closely linked to the theory of the mind. Some authors restrict the definition to deal only with the knowledge of social conditions, and perhaps more correctly called social cognition or intelligence of social marketing, who specializes in psychological orientation advertising - social, and marketing strategy and tactics. According to the "Sean Foligno:" Social intelligence is a person's ability to understand his environment completely and properly dispose of a successful social behavior. Without social intelligence gets tired very human fatigue, and lose confidence in himself and in people. Social Valzca requires work and patience and courtesy. In essence, the intelligence in the possibility to get rid of the individual and to evade life situations and the possibility of embarrassing the person to convince around it and adapt them in the planning and to reach the goals of the individual self.

City of love

Paris is the capital of France and its largest city in terms of population. Located on the banks of the Seine River in the northern part of the country in the heart of the Ile-de-France region. A population of 2,243,833 in 2010 only within the administrative scope, while more than the population of the city with its suburbs about 12 million people.
Paris has been an extremely important area for more than two thousand years [4], and with the beginning of the twelfth century, Paris became a European science, arts and the largest city in the Western world center until the early eighteenth century. Paris was the scene of many important throughout history, such as the French Revolution political events. For the time being, they are considered one of the largest economic and cultural centers of of influencing important in politics, science, entertainment, media, fashion and the arts, making it one of the world's major cities. In 2011, the GDP of the city of 607 billion euros (845 billion dollars), one of the largest local outputs of the cities in the world. Paris is one of the leading tourist destinations in the world as it is the headquarters for most of the French companies.
Paris has a variety of museums, theaters and monuments that were built over the centuries, such as the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe and the Louvre Museum and the Palace of Versailles. Paris is one of the largest art centers in the world, its proximity to a large number of museums, which includes paintings by the most prominent international artists. The kitchen of the global reputation of the city, where attracts chefs in the world. Includes Paris and its suburbs, the most prestigious French schools and universities, also contains the headquarters of the largest French newspapers such as Le Monde, though Figaro, and Liberation.
Paris is the headquarters of the club Paris Saint-Germain football, as France where there is a stadium built to host the FIFA World Cup 1998. The city hosts the tournament Roland Garros Football Almdharb.taatmaz Paris and the diversity and quality of transport. City contains two major international airports are Charles de Gaulle International Airport and Paris Orly Airport. Paris Metro, who served in 1900- opened about 9 million passengers a day.

List of World Heritage sites in Iran

List of World Heritage sites in Iran, which acceded to the Treaty of World Heritage Sites in February 26th 1975. included the first Iranian chogha zanbil a site on the World Heritage List in 1979, followed in the same year and sites Persepolis inscription Jahan Square. And it included other sites to the list of World Heritage Sites in subsequent years until the number of sites reached 17 locations all cultural site is the latest of Shahr-e Sukhteh which was included in 2014, which is a ancient city dating back to the Bronze Age. UNESCO performs each year compiles a candidate sites to be on the World Heritage List or cancel rating other sites If you have lost the conditions to stay on the list. Also it included the World Heritage Committee specific locations Kmardh risk with identifying factors that exposure to risk, and these sites in Iran Bam suffered serious damage due to the devastating earthquake 2003. But its removal from the list at the UNESCO conference, which was held from 16 to June 27 June 2013 After extensive restoration work carried out by the Iranian authorities, and the site returned

Mahmoud bin Saboktakin

Mahmoud bin Saboktakin, whose full name is the right of the State Abdul Qasim Mahmoud bin Saboktakin, is Sultan Ghaznawi State in the period from 998 m to 1030 m in the Abbasid Caliphate time, the state has increased Ghaznawi to peak in a few decades thanks to the mettle Mahmoud and his leadership. Mahmoud has been able to tend Samanids and ordered them to invade India, the first thing to do Mahmud of Ghazni immediately after taking office, and he was sworn, is a treaty with its neighbors from North Alkravannyen. And it began following the wars that treaty in hand, India. It has nearly seventeen battle against the Indians in the period from 1001 m to 1027 m, and expand the borders of his kingdom he inherited even spread of Bukhara and Samarkand to Gujarat and Kannauj Afghanistan included and beyond the river and Sajistan and Khorasan and Tabaristan and Kashmir and a large part of the States in the north-west of India. Even if the year 1030 AD (421 AH) understood death. The welcome of Ghazni was a great champion of literature and the arts. He lived in his many scholars and poets, including Ibn Sina and Abu Rayhan al-Biruni and Abu Al Fath Al Basti and Alasadjada and Paradise and Baihaqi and Alfarraka and Almnugera and racial Alexaii and powdery mildew and Algdhaira

Wars of the Roses

Wars of the Roses (in English: Wars of the Roses) is a civil war fought battles over three decades (1455 m -1485 m), about the rightful chair throne in England between supporters of both Lancaster family and the family of York belonging to the House of Plantagenet family because of Nsabhma to King Edward III, Harhma was the Roses two different in color (white and red) was the first to launch this war name of "War of the Roses" is William Shakespeare's famous his play Henry VI, and because of that called the war of the Roses; where was the red rose emblem family Lancaster and White roses logo House of York . The result of this civil war between the two parties align themselves to the family of the victory of Henry Tudor House of Plantagenet family of Lancaster on the other opponents of the House of York, a King Richard III and get married Princess Elizabeth, daughter of King Edward IV to put an end to the War of the Roses. The family of Theodore ruled England and Wales for 118 years (1485-1603).

الأحد، 18 أكتوبر 2015

We eat it , but do not know the meaning of her name

I entered the word chocolate to European languages ​​via the Spanish language, which spread to the world. I do not know how entered the word Chocolate into Spanish, but the majority of opinions suggest that the word is derived from the language of Nahuatl, which was used in the civilization of the Aztecs, and so the word chocolātl Chokoalatl, which several sources indicate that they can be derived from xocolātl Chokoalatl (ʃokolaːtɬ) , which combines the sense of the word xócoc over, and the sense among ātl water or syrup.
However, the American linguistic researcher William Bright pointed out that the word chocolatl Chokoalatl non-existent in the Mexican sources in the colonial era, causing him to question the origin of the label mentioned above. Mexican writer gave Francesco Santamaria perception about the derivation of the word that the word origin of the word chokol Shukol Alioukatih in the Mayan language, which means hot, and the sense of the word atl syrup, that any sense of the word hot drink. This proposal is compatible with the Mayan habits, drinking hot chocolate, and in contrast to the Aztecs, who were cool to drink. In another view, it is noteworthy that the label is derived from the cacahuatl Kakahoatel cocoa drink, and that the language of Nahuatl, but Spanish colonists changed the word caca chocol word from the Mayan language, which means hot, so that the word has become in the end chocolatl.

The end of the world

End of the world the phrase expresses a particular time will be the destruction of the Earth or the universe or just human. We find this phrase and concept in all the Abrahamic religions and most of the other religions and philosophical concepts and some of the legends in Greek mythology and North. Using the concept in the art and science fiction. Concept study called Alaskatulogia.
In Islam: the Day of Resurrection (Islam)
In Christianity: Revelation
In Buddhism: maabo
In the northern mythology: Ragnarök
Mayan people in religions: 2012 phenomenon
End of the world in science

1. Human extinction [edit]
It can be caused extinction for mankind due to human activities such as pollution and the lack of natural resources and greenhouse worker and wars.
It connects a lot of human extinction nuclear wars, but this cause is not out of the question because nuclear wars will spend a large part of humanity but not all humans due to the progress of defense systems and a treaty limiting the spread of nuclear weapons.
Global warming can be sustained in a shortage of oxygen in the air occurs as a result of the death of plankton and the liberation of hydrogen sulfide deadly to all forms of life. Hydrogen sulfide is one of the alleged reasons for the extinction of Albraimaana or (Extinction du Permien) any extinction of more than 95% of marine species and 70% of terrestrial species.

2 - has been put forward several scenarios about the destruction of the planet or the destruction of a large class of life like it:
Bumping guilty or object from outer space. This puzzling scenario is one of the strong reasons to explain the extinction of the dinosaurs and other major extinctions and this scenario has a great follow-up because the man can Atvadah (b nuclear bomb or a laser beam or a solar network) to keep the space object. So, several Mndmat such as MySpace and H and the Organization of tracking near-Earth asteroids combed the sky to monitor comets that can impact the ground threats. The effects of these disasters for a short space of time.
Cooling of the earth nucleus will eliminate the magnetic field of the Earth, which would leave the field open to the solar wind for the intervention to cover the ground and pounding the earth's surface molecules energy. So must the man to find a way to take cover. But that will profoundly affect the life.
Stellar evolution indicates that the sun will evolve to the point where the red giant will become a huge size.
In the first stage after 500 million years of life will disappear as a result of excessive heat and the large number of UV and sun inflation which raises the following question: Is the Earth as a planet will remain after the red giant phase, or not? This scenario is the most emphasis and which is inevitable.

What is terrorism

Terrorism and terrorism-use approach, especially as a means of coercion. In the international community, however, terrorism has no agreed universally it is not legally binding, the definition of criminal law to him in addition to the common definitions of terrorism refer to those violent acts aimed at creating an atmosphere of fear objectives, and be directed against religious followers of certain political and other, or ideological goal, and the deliberate targeting or disregard the safety of non-civilians. Some definitions now include the illegal acts of violence and war. Is typically used similar tactics by criminal organizations to impose its laws [1].
And because of the political and religious complexities of the concept of this phrase it has become vague and sometimes different in other times. It is worth mentioning that Christians have suffered because of them targeting extremist groups and also Islam at the present time have won a share of this phrase for political reasons governed by international and regional conflicts.

New head of a new state

Alija Izetbegovic (August 8, 1925 - October 19, 2003) is the first Republican president of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina after the end of the Bosnian War, is a philosopher and Bosnian Muslim political activist, author of several books, most notably Islam between East and West. Born in the city of Bossana Krupa to the family of a Bosnian Bosnian ancient in Islam, and the name of his family extends to the Ottoman Empire Bosnia, Valmokta Baگ in his family name is the local pronunciation of the title of "your" Ottoman, surnamed Alija Izetbegovic means your Ezzat Ali bin. Learning in the capital Sarajevo schools, and graduated from the University of Sarajevo specialty law, and served as Legal Adviser for 25 years, then retired, and devoted himself to research and writing, grew up Alija Izetbegovic at a time when Bosnia and Herzegovina was part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, which is governed by a liberal family, and Islamic education was not part of the curriculum, and it was Alija He is still young and conscious of the importance that recognizes the religion of Islam and read the extensive reading, was agreed with some of his colleagues at the school to establish a club school or the Religious Society of the discussions his Mladi Mousselmani any young Muslims, which later developed, not only in activity on the meetings and discussions, but extended to social and charitable work, and established a special section of the Muslim girls.

Ancient Egyp

Ancient Egypt is an ancient civilization in the north-east of Africa. The ancient Egyptians centered civilization on the banks of the Nile River in what is now known as the Arab Republic of Egypt. Egyptian civilization began around the year 3150 BC, when King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt, and then evolved over the subsequent three millennia. Historically it included a series of politically unstable kingdoms, punctuated by periods of relative stability are called medium periods. Ancient Egypt reached the peak of its civilization in the era of the modern state, and then entered the country in a period of slow decline. Egypt was attacked in that period by many foreign powers, and officially ended the rule of the Pharaohs while Romanian Empire invaded Egypt and made it one of its provinces.
Derived success of ancient Egyptian civilization in the ability to adapt to the Nile River Valley circumstances where all the elements of agriculture available from fertile soil, water and climate. And helped flood forecasting and control of their damage in the production and ample crops contributed to the social and cultural development. The authorities and with the availability of the necessary exploitation of minerals in the valley and desert areas surrounding material, and has developed an independent writing system, and organized collective construction and agricultural projects, as well as trade with the surrounding areas, and strengthen the military forces the military to defend against enemies abroad and confirm the hegemony of Pharaonic on the country. It has been organizing these activities and are stimulated by a group of bureaucrats, religious leaders and administrators under the control of the pharaoh who ensured the cooperation and unity of the Egyptians in the context of an elaborate system of religious beliefs.
Achievements included the ancient Egyptians quarrying, surveying and construction techniques that facilitated the building massive pyramids, temples and obelisks, in addition to a practical and effective system of mathematics in medicine. And irrigation systems and agricultural production techniques, and the first known ships, Egyptian faience and glass painting technology, and new forms of literature, the first known peace treaty. Ancient Egypt left a lasting legacy. And copied and imitated Egyptian civilization, art and architecture on a large scale in the world, and quoted its effects to distant parts of the world. And it inspired the ruins and remains of passengers and the book's imagination for centuries, and resulted in discoveries in the early to talk about the effects of fossils Egyptian Age to the scientific research of the Egyptian civilization manifested itself in the science called Egyptology, and greater appreciation of their cultural heritage in Egypt and the world.

About Islam

Abrahamic religion of Islam and the divine, which is the second religion in the world in terms of the number of converts after Christianity. The meaning of the word Islam is surrender to God, any full delivery of human God in all the affairs of life.
Muslims believe that Islam is another heavenly messages and that the scribe for him religions; as Muslims believe that Muhammad is the messenger sent from God, and the seal of the prophets and messengers; and that God sent him to the two races (the jinn and mankind). It is the foundations of the Islamic faith belief in the existence of one God is not a partner is a God, and also believe in all the prophets and messengers who were sent to mankind by Mohammed, Kalnba Abraham, Joseph, Moses and Jesus son of Mary and many others who are mentioned in the Quran or did not say, and they are all as Muslims, followed Alhanifip, the religion of the prophet Abraham, and their writings and their messages of faith that God resurrected to Anscheroha people, Kalsbor and the Torah and the Bible.