الجمعة، 23 أكتوبر 2015


Szigetvár siege or battle szigetvár is the siege imposed on the Ottoman fortress szigetvár which form an obstacle in the way of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in opening up Vienna in 1566 AD. The battle took place between the forces defending Habsburg Monarchy for fortified led by Croatian Nicola Subic Zrnski invading Ottoman forces led a nominal of Sultan Suleiman. Szigetvár siege took place in the period between the fifth of August and the eighth of September of the year 1566, and although it resulted in the victory of the Ottoman However, both sides suffered heavy losses. The two leaders died during the siege: Zrnski during the final battle, but Solomon died in his tent of natural causes. Killed during the siege of more than twenty thousand of the Ottoman army, while Hungarians soldiers exterminated wiped were not spared them little.

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