السبت، 28 نوفمبر 2015

al-Moatamed ballah

al-Moatamed ballah  his name is Ahmed al-Moatamed ala Allah Abo al-Aabas abn al-Motwakel ala AllahGaafar al-Moatasem ballah ibn Mohamed ibn al-Rashed Abbasi . He published and his brother conciliator differences between the influence of the Turks to re-Abbasid Caliph to normal as Muhtadee Billah feedback before you wear it, and the conciliator to address the revolution Zinj, while he was addressing the revolution, the Caliph tried to convey the Abbasid caliphate to Egypt, which was ruled by Tulunid state founded by Ahmed bin Toulon fear to be under the command of his brother, the conciliator, but the conciliator knowledge of the matter and ordered to return the to Baghdad..Al-Mu'tadid died in 892 AD and pregnancy and buried in Samarra. The succession of twenty-three years and took after him Caliphate Al-Mu'tadid historians have hit in the naming of the era ofal-Moatamed ala allah awakening of the Abbasid Caliphate.

الجمعة، 27 نوفمبر 2015

Al-Muhtadi ballah

Abo Eshak muhammad Al-Muhtadi ballah bin al-Wasek is the Abbasid Caliph XIV, before the oath of allegiance one even came Palmatz arose convert him and handed him the succession and sat  brought witnesses Vhhdoa to Moataz he is incapable of succession confessed thus extending his hand Fbaya convert rose then convert to the chest Council .
Caliph Muhtadee Billah was a man of devout brave firm lover of justice complying biography of Omar bin Abdul Aziz in the justice and governance, try to restore the Abbasid Caliphate prestige and status, and stop the tyranny of the Turks and despotism; try to make a band in their ranks and hit each other to weaken them and transmit the dispute between them, but they are aware smart for trying and rushed to get rid of it. The whole Turk convert to kill, they have increased their influence. And they went to him then fight for convert Moroccans and Lafragnh and Alohroessnah and killed Turks in day four thousand and as long as the fighting to the Caliph army defeated the Turks and captured and handed over to someone spiteful of them still torments him until he died in an Recep six and fifty years was the succession only fifteen days a year and it came to the Turks He arose and wrote Floater Rhaa and threw in mosques O Muslims claimed God Khaliftkm Justice satisfaction emulator to Omar bin Abdul Aziz that God supports him on his enemy.between his hands 

الخميس، 26 نوفمبر 2015

Abu Abdullah bin al-Moataz

Is Abu Abdullah bin al-Moataz bin Mutawakkil bin Mutassim bin Rashid was born in 231 AH. Apparent succession after take off Musta'in God in 4 Muharram 252 AH. It is still the ruler to take off in the same 27 years of Rajab 255 AH. He was on the Crown Caliphate nineteen-year-old Hassan was adorable.
Said Ali Ibn war: What I saw his successor the best of it, which is the first of the latest Find any passenger is marked gold and caliphs was riding Bahalih light silver
In the first year of his succession Ahnas Turkish which Astkhalafh confident the Sultanate Fastkhalaf Moataz Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Taher died then isolated Fastkhalaf brother Abu Ahmed and directed the crown of gold and then remove him after a while and sultn BGA Acharabi went on Moataz killed so from the beginning of the Proud assume who was imprisoned He and his brother, the pro order of the Caliph Musta'in and take Moataz Turks aided who cast him from prison and appointed him Khalifa in Samarra, then Okhaddoa allegiance of Musta'in who fled to Baghdad the help commanders Turks are "Bga_oosif" Then began the era of the Proud, waving his brother from prison and made him his heir then isolated and imprisoned The killing began Moataz differentiates led the Turks with him Vozaaj this act Turks and started Ahacboh Ali his mistakes and Atrbesoa him and Estdouna money for them has he sent to his mother, "ugly" Wife Mutawakil to ask her some money but I learned sons Turks in the salvation of her son and learned its end either sent money or not and already tortured Turks Caliph Moataz even cede jurisdiction of the Muhtadi bin confident with non-payment of money to the Turks Okhaddoh in the desert a lot and hurting him and cut off his head and got to whip his brother pro and wear of the mandate of the Covenant and he died of skin Faty witnesses that his brother was not killed, and after a while in Rajab 255 for Migration rebellion Turks on their leader son Summer and demanded money from the Proud, a mother asked the ugly did not give him the meanest of them was agreed Turk to kill him and crucified him, Khalaoh and Bayaoa Mohammed bin confident and killed him on 27 Rajab 255 for Migration, the first Khalifa died of thirst, and died son of Moataz in the year 296

الأربعاء، 25 نوفمبر 2015

Ahmed bn al-Mutassim

Is Ahmed bn al-Mutassim bin Rashid, a brother of al-Mutawakkil and al-Wasek and his mother's name Mukhaariq. he was born in 220 AH. Apparent succession on the day he died the Al-Muntasir, the day 25 years of the first spring 248 e. Khalifa was still to take off on Friday, 4 Muharram 252 AH As Tmkr him Turks feared and descended from Samarra to Baghdad, they sent him apologize and are subject to him and ask him back and he refuses brought him prison and driven out Moataz Bellah and Bayaoh and took off Musta'in then equipped Moataz army thick to fight Musta'in fell between them and projections, and as long as the fighting for months and many killings and GLT Price and bone scourge and dissolved ordered Musta'in they sought in Magistrate stripped himself Musta'in I certify the judges. Moataz sent to Ahmad Ibn Tulun to go to Musta'in kill him, he said God does not kill the children of the caliphs Vndb him happy Vzbha eyebrow in the third of Shawwal of the year at the age of 31

الثلاثاء، 24 نوفمبر 2015

muhammad al-Montaser (the vector)

he is muhammad al-Montaser ballah bin Mutawakkil bin Mutassim bin Rashid (Gm247-248h). And his mother was born or Romans called Ethiopian born in 222 AH and holding his father mandate of the Covenant in 235 e is the reign of Caliph Al-Montaser is the beginning of the era of the weakness of the Abbasid state. Apparent succession after the death of his father Mutawakil on 4 October the year 247 AH. It showed justice and equity in the parish Fmalt him hearts with the severity of his prestige and he was generous meek. He died on Sunday, 25 March the year 248 AH for 26 years, did not enjoy the succession only six months. It was: he sat down on some days for fun, has recovered from the coffers of his father Fitch, ordered Pferchha in the Council, and he saw some rugs circle where Knight and the crown and around the writing Persian, asked who read it, gave man, A look, Vqtab, he said: What are these? He said: senseless, pressed him, he said: I Hiroah Bin Bin fractions of Hormuz, killed my father did not enjoy the king only six months, altering the face of the victor, and ordered the burning of the rug.
It was that since the Crown has become cursing the Turks say: These are killers caliphs they made him and they were about to do Fdzoa him because he was brave solemn clever, open Trza Vthiloa to be suborned to his doctor son Tayfur thirty thousand dinars in his illness he pointed Pfsdh then Vsdh quill poisoned and died.
Dirhem of al-Montaser AH 247-248

الاثنين، 23 نوفمبر 2015

Abo Al-Fadl Gaafar AL-Motwakel ala allah

Abo Al-Fadl Gaafar AL-Motwakel ala allah ibn Al-Moatasem ibn Haron Al-Rashed ibn Almahdi ibn Almansour (205-247AH) lived (March 822-11 December 861 AD) and the period of the Caliphate (847-861) succeeded his brother confident in God and his son succeeded him the victor in God. His mother was born or Turkish name shogaa "brave" .ho Abbasid Caliph tenth. Mutawakkilite built a city, and built and developed city of the role, and built the mosque and minaret in Samarra Helicobacter famous, and new Nile scale. Apparent him I'm not that remained of the argument the year 232 AH, and the increased influence of the Turks in his reign
It showed a tendency to insist Sunnis and her family and ended the strife mihna, and took out Ahmad
ibn Hanbal from confinement and take off it. And modernists brought to Samarra and Odzl their gifts and he was generous. It was said to have killed many of the flags of the Muslims to keep their reign. As for his death has Mutawakil occurred in the same mistake his grandfather rational when holding the state for three of his sons Secretary Valmomon Valmatman led to severe fighting claimed the lives of many in the forefront of the Secretary himself, Mutawakil has held the mandate for three of his sons victor then Moataz then pro, was not the hearts of Turks reassuring to Mutawakil they made to exploit hatred of the victor to his father Mutawakil because of preference Mutawakil to his son Moataz the victor, and then an incident ignited the fire of hatred in the victor's heart against his father when the disease Mutawakil days Moataz ordered that sermon Friday place Vojad the bone in the eyes of the people were afraid, the victor too succession of it to his brother Vtamr with some Turkish leaders to kill his father Mutawakil and already on the night of Wednesday 4 October the year 248 AH entered the El Moutawakel, killing him with their swords and killed with his friend conquest Ben Hakan and floated that conquest is the one who killed him and they killed him to have done and howl victor place and this incident marked the beginning of a long series of killings and isolate caliphs After that lost their dignity at the hands of the Turks on that Astkdmanm Mutasim to enter a Muslim country.
(Dinars Caliph Abo Al-Fadl gaafar returns for the period (232-247 AH

الأحد، 22 نوفمبر 2015

The second Abbasid era

Is the period from the year 847 AD until the fall of the Abbasid state and the fall of Baghdad (1258) and the death of more than 2 million of its population and the burning of libraries and the execution of its scientists by the Mongols led by Hulagu Khan and move to the Abbasid capital, Cairo.
The second Abbasid era begins succession Mutawakil the year 232 AH / 847 AD, and ends in 334 AH / 946 AD, in succession Almcetkvy God Muktafi bin Abdullah bin Mu'tadid. And she knows the second Abbasid era of "the influence of the Turks" has emerged as the Turkish element, and accounted for the major positions in the state, controlled the administration and the army. This has been the use of Turkish territory fetched element of "Turkistan" and "the country beyond the river", hired by the safe and Mutassim in age, "the first Abbasid". There were signs of this weakness at the beginning of this era, which features different from the first Abbasid era.
This period was characterized by instability caliphs long in power and not having absolute power of the ruling was the power I call any have the engagement and the currency only (pray for them in and write their names on the currency) Friday prayers, because of owning and Minister of Turkish military leaders who widened Rqathm in the Ottoman Empire, the real power in Command armies and appoint successors as they please.

السبت، 21 نوفمبر 2015

Al-Waseq B-Allah ( Confident in God )

Aaron is the second self-assured in God Billah bin Mohammed bin Harun al-Rashid (232 AH / 847) is the ninth of the Abbasid caliphs in Iraq. Born in Baghdad in 200 AH. His mother's mother was born Romans called Qratis. They call it the little safe for literature and virtues, and it was safe Ijlsh and his father Mutasim was standing, and he would say: O Abu Ishaq Aaron no discipline, Fannie ground literature, does not object to it in something Evolh.ola succession after the death of his father Mutasim the year 227 AH. Trusty best for the people of the Two Holy even said that he did not exist in his day the Two Holy any means poor. It has been encouraging for scientists. It was his death in Samarra fever a year (232 AH / 847).
Several revolutions during his reign in the Levant and Palestine because of friction between the Arab population and the Turkish armies formed by his father Mutassim. The suppression of these revolutions, and died confident Abu Jaafar Aaron Ben-Mutasim Mohammed'm not that remained of the year thirty-two were his illness ascites and enter in the tandoor massager which killed lightness and then a recurrence of the second day more than the first taken out in a stretcher and he died where did not feel it. This is a self-assured God, was a succession of five years, spent in the revolutions that have in his reign, and taught breakers on religion and morals an unforgettable lesson, and the isolation of deviated from the governors, and confiscated their money seized wrongfully, and heaped on the people in Mecca and Medina, until he left one means two. During his reign, he opened the "Sicily" island, open-Fadl ibn Jaafar al-Hamdani year 228 AH / 843 AD.

الجمعة، 20 نوفمبر 2015

Al-moatasem Billah

Abu Ishaq Mohammad Billah bin Harun al-Rashid Bin Mehdi Ben Mansour eighth Abbasid caliphs, was born in 179 AH and died in Samarra on 18 of the first spring the year 227 AH (4 of February of the year 842 AD), and it was during the reign of his brother's safe and ruler of Syria, Egypt and the safe tends to him for his courage Fullah his reign, and in the day that he died a safe Tartous Apparent Abu Ishaq Mohammed succession and the title Palmatsam God in 19 of Rajab 218 AH (10 August the year 833 AD), according to historians, it was have a distinctive and courage of physical strength, however, Culture was limited and weak in writing, and characterized the era Mutassim is employing Turkish soldiers and to reduce the fierce competition between the Arabs and the Persians in the army and the government. Translator of scientific and Renaissance operations continued to reign as inaugurated by his predecessor safe, but what distinguished the reign of Mutassim is interested in the acquisition of Turkish soldiers Bjelbhm regions of Central Asia Ksamarguend and Khiva, and have filled the Turkish soldiers Baghdad reaching their numbers nearly a dozen Alpha, led to tightening the people of the city , and forced the Caliph as a result to go to the city of Samarra, which was built 100 km north of Baghdad, to be his capital and headquarters of Turkish armies of the Mamluks and the Liberals, and sees historians that tendency Mutasim Turks due to the fact that Turkish and his mother, also wanted to limit the intense competition that existed between the Arabs and the Persians in the army and government

الخميس، 19 نوفمبر 2015

Ibrahim bin al-Mahdi

Ibrahim bin al-Mahdi's brother Haroon Rashid and nickname (the father of Isaac), the most famous boys caliphs male in singing and Otguenhm workmanship, and I know people at the time Palangm and rhythm, of those that were numbered in good private voice, but it was if sang the old song about the first in sleepless roles delete much of Ngmha and Khvvha, it has a defect that. Isaac Musli him with many arguments in the assets of melody and rhythm were not to be interrupted until Ovinya in Tnazaahma age. Ibrahim ibn Mahdi

الأربعاء، 18 نوفمبر 2015


Al-maamon bin Harun al-Rashid seventh successors built-Abbas, was born in 170 AH 786 and died invader in 19 Rajab 218 AH August 10 the year 833 Tarsus, his reign saw the prosperous scientific and intellectual renaissance in the Abbasid era and the first since it was attended by Bnevsh.tovi Harun al-Rashid In 809 AD in Khorasan and took a pledge to his son the Secretary, according to the commandment of his father, which also stipulates that the successor to Al-maamon  brother of the Secretary, but the new Caliph quickly take off his brother of the crown prince and appointed his son Moses, a spokesman for the right to the crown prince, Mohammed was then in Khorasan, and when he learned that his brother may wear it for the crown prince took the pledge of allegiance from the people of Khorasan army and went to fight his brother, have been wars between them lasted four years, to be able to safe besiege Baghdad and overcome the Secretary and killed in 813 AD, triumphing over succession.
The uniqueness of the reign of Al-maamon  encourage absolute science of philosophy, medicine, mathematics and astronomy and interesting special science Greece, has Caliph founded in 830 AD University of the House of Wisdom in Baghdad, which was one of the major universities age, and invented in his astrolabe and a number of other technical instruments, scientists measure and tried the Earth's circumference evidence to recognize Bkroetha the one hand and the development of science on the other hand; it may be a translation processes sponsored by he and his entourage and Ullach, he highlighted his reign attributes, with which quoted Science and Arts Syriac, Persian and Greek into Arabic, gained through the Arabic language a prominent place as transformed from the language of only poetry and literature to the language of science and philosophy. As well as the translation processes have contributed to the establishment of a high cultural level in the country, then the era of state Testament portion of time on the Shiite satisfaction and taking the green logo instead of black logo, then returned to the brown and black logo Abbas appointed his brother as crown prince. He visited the safe Egypt, Damascus and the island Syrian and died and was buried in Tarsus north of the Levant in August 10 years 833 m, corresponding to a 19 Rajab 218 AH and took a pledge to his brother Mohammad Billah, and continued the translation of scientific and Renaissance operations in his reign as inaugurated by his predecessor Al-maamon .

الثلاثاء، 17 نوفمبر 2015

Mohammed bin Harun

Mohammed bin Harun bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ali ibn Abdullah ibn Abbas, a sixth of the Abbasid caliphs, took over the succession between 193 to 198 AH 809-813 AD, and lasted almost five years of his reign and the most important what distinguished his reign is the conflict that has him and between his brother's safe, it was this conflict a continuation of the conflict between the Arabs and the Persians in the Abbasid state, and the Arab Party represents the Secretary and Secretary-Fadl ibn spring, the Persian Party was is Palmomon and Secretary-Fadl ibn easy and bitter dispute between the Secretary and safe in two phases, the first phase was a diplomatic peaceful the year 195 AH ended and the second phase was a war phase ended with the death of the Secretary-year 198 AH. The Secretary has received Fiqh and Language Sciences of Alexaii, and read the Koran, does not mention the history in the succession of the Secretary, which lasted close to five years, 193-198 H / 809-813 AD a lot, but he gave the Mujahideen great money and the face of an army subordinate him to the Roman invasion, He gave the cities of stomata confrontation of the Roman something of his care, he commanded in the year 193 AH / 809 AD built a city of Adana and the wisest to build and fortify, and scar the men to inhabit, but otherwise, it has passed succeed him in between him and his brother's safe to struggle for succession, ended with the killing of the Secretary and privately safe-governing.

الاثنين، 16 نوفمبر 2015

Harun al-Rashid

Harun al-Rashid bin Mohammed al-Mahdi is the Abbasid Caliph V, is the most popular caliphs Alabasien.gm between 786 and 806 m (170AH e 191 AH) .old about the year 766 AD in irrigation City and died in 806 AD in the city of Tus (scene today). It is more Abbasid caliphs male in foreign sources German Kalhulyat the reign of Emperor Charlemagne which mentioned the name of Aron, Indian, Chinese and yearbooks that mentioned the name of Alun, but Arab sources have elaborated talk about where images caliphate pious religious who flowing Abbarath When you hear the sermon and a fighter who has spent most of his life between Ag and the invasion, was the pilgrimage-year-old and invades the years, and it's the first Khalifa Abbasi led invasion himself, was quoted Ibn Khallikan that good may pilgrimage nine times and was praying day hundred rak, as well as was depicted in the Caliph caution that broadcast his eyes and spies among the people to know their own affairs and their conditions, but He sometimes roams disguised himself in the markets and councils to know what is said to them, and his time is the Islamic Golden Age.

الأحد، 15 نوفمبر 2015

Mousa Al-Hadi

Musa bin Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ali Ibn Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib - and meet Hadi ratios with the Prophet in Abdul-Muttalib
Al-Hadi bin Abu Abdullah Mohammed Mehdi Ben Jaafar Abu Abdullah al-Mansur of the Abbasid caliphs in Baghdad, the fourth caliph. Hadi was born irrigation e 144AH \ 766 Am. Crown succession after the death of his father, Caliph Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Mahdi year 169 AH \ September 14 786A m and was succeeded by his brother, the Caliph Harun al-Rashid are: Caliph Abu Abdullah Muhammad al-Amin and the Caliph Abu Abbas Al-Ma'mun and Caliph Abu Ishaq Mohammad Billah uncle of the children of Harun al-Rashid. Will follow his father should kill heretics Vtaatbahm and created a lot of them were killed.
Hadi was the largest of his brothers, Hadi was eloquent man of letters, topped with prestige, and his influence and magnanimity, and was engraved ring God of Moses he believes and has confidence was known for his generosity and his bid very much. Has in the era of the Pacific many revolutions and conflicts of war internal and external, was among them Hussein bin Ali bin Hassan revolution who declared himself caliph in the city, and has been the suppression of the revolution and the elimination of Hussein and his men, but the cousin of Hussein bin Ali survived the killings and fled to Morocco, and founded there the nucleus of the state Idrisid.
Some historians believe that the death of Hadi was a natural death, while some believe that he was murdered by the girl bamboo tender or Harun al-Rashid ordered Jawareha that Aguetlnh Fajnguenh, believed to be the cause of the assassination is the desire of the Pacific in the locker of his brother Haroon Rashid of the mandate of the Covenant, and made it to his son Jaafar. Hadi died in 170 AH \ 787 Am.

السبت، 14 نوفمبر 2015

Muhammad bin Abdullah

Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Abdullah Al-Mansour bin Mohammed bin Ali al-Mahdi in God. Is the third caliphs of the Abbasid state in Iraq. Born Baivj Core of Ahvaz in his 127AH \ 745 AD and died Pmaspman mother is the mother of Moses girl Mansour Ahumairah. Crown succession after the death of his father, Abu Jafar al-Mansur in 158AH \ 775 AD. His father had ordered him to Tabaristan and Mawallagha.
Mahdi Mahmoud biography was endearing to the parish, good attitude and character, a horse, and was seated grievances but shame them enough is enough. During his reign, Irbid opened from India and multiplied Fotouh Ballroom also built Rusafa collector. Baghdad continued to rebound in his time and increased her fame and attracted more immigrants of various races and religions even said it was the most populous cities in the world at that time. Influence Baramka grown in his time, said his Golden: «is the first to work the mail from the Hijaz to Iraq». The grandfather Mahdi in tracking the heretics and to exterminate them and search for them in the horizons and murder on the charge and ordered the classification of written arguments in reply to the heretics and atheists. Roy talking about his father Wu Mubarak Faddaalah, happened to him Yahya Hamza Bin Jaafar Bin Sulaiman Alillaa and Mohammed bin Abdullah Alrqashi and Sufian Abu Saeed Bin Yahya Humairi Mahdi died in 169 AH \ 785AD. The duration of his succession ten years and months.
Mahdi was under way by a passion as well as they Taathamah much of the feds knew what she said in the same fear that Imlna and let me Vomut Mahdi said in that:
Conquered the heart of me Ghada such as Crescent --- whenever you will have Woody came impairment
Do not love me and abandonment Altinai for Wesal --- but my love to keep her fear Almlal

الجمعة، 13 نوفمبر 2015

Abdullah Abu Jafar al-Mansur

Abdullah Abu Jafar al-Mansur. Full name Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul-Muttalib, the second Abbasid caliphs and the most powerful. He teeth from his brother's killer six years, but his brother Imam Ibrahim bin Mohammed bin Ali when he was arrested Marwan II soldiers were handed over to the Imamate without Mansour Abu Abbas. And best known for the construction of Al-Mansour Baghdad which has turned to the capital of the Abbasid state. And took over the succession after the death of his brother's killer of the year 754 AD until his death in 775 AD 136 to 158 e
The biggest concern of Mansour during his rule is to strengthen the rule of the family of Bani Abbas and get rid of any threat to their control even if it was previously an ally such as Abu Muslim, who led the revolt against the Abbasid Umayyad in Khorasan.
The Abu Jaafar is the real founder of the Abbasid state, no doubt that the time spent in the al-Mansur of the Abbasid Caliphate is one of the most important eras of succession, was sentenced nearly 22 years, a strong judgment and focused Caliph where all the state authorities in his hand. Ibn Tabataba in Emeritus is enacted Sunan and laid down the policy and invented things, and walked his sons caliphs after him on his career; it is over so I made to the children of Abbas support legitimate to inherit the state gave them a head start on the sons of their uncle Atalibaan was the correspondence between him and the Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Hassan self pure aka and boils down to that bond in the advisory opinion that Uncle deserving of the genetics of the girl and the cousin and intended to Fatima Zahra, and Ali ibn Abi Talib, and the Al-Mansour is from the age of religious politics and make it the basis for the rule of the Abbasids and went in to the greatest extent even said I am only Sultan of God in the land.

الخميس، 12 نوفمبر 2015

Abdullah bin Mohammed

Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Ali bin Abdullah bin Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib (727-10 June 754 AD), he meets with the Prophet Mohammed bin Abdullah in his grandfather Abdul Muttalib. Born Bahumaimh (which is found the village of Jordan currently) in the days of the Umayyad rule and his father, Mohammed bin Ali known carpeted (which is on the carpet Zine El Abidine Ben Al Hussein Ben Ali), his father came down intimate break with the minimum of worship, and where guests descended upon Abu Hashem Abdullah bin Mohammed (aka Son Tap) bin Ali bin Abi Talib, was returning from the Suleiman bin Abdul Malik, he has died after being transferred to secret call Bayt secrets. Undertaken Mohammed bin Ali and his sons confidential call, and supported, and while Mohammed bin Ali died, took the call after him Ibrahim Imam bin Mohammed, and was the son of a woman from the Arab silks, and almost matter that is to not be detected Marwan II, killing the imam, Louvre Abu Abbas and his brother Abu Jafar to Kufa, and Ibrahim had entrusted the matter to Abu Abbas after him even though he is smaller than the Abu Jaafar, but I'm a free woman, which, provided girl Obaidullah ibn Abi convicted Harthy (and Harith tribe operates agriculture and plowing lives even today in the mountains of southern Hijaz in the suburbs of Taif), and Abu Jafar son barbaric nation. Abu Abbas rule four years (750-754) on which the call to the v

الأربعاء، 11 نوفمبر 2015

Abbasid caliphs

They are the successors of the Abbasid caliphs Alqrhien group of Muslims descended from the youngest uncles of the Prophet of Islam Muhammad bin Abdullah dynasty, namely Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib.
Abbasids adopted in the establishment of their state on the horse, aggrieved at the Umayyad them to be excluded from positions of state and major centers, and keep Arabs out, also persuaded the Abbasids Shiites to help destabilize the entity of the Umayyad dynasty. Transfer Abbasid capital of the state, after the success of their revolution, of Damascus, to Kufa, then Anbar before they constructed the city of Baghdad to be their capital, which flourished for three centuries, and became the world's largest cities and the most beautiful, and the capital of science and the arts, but the star took to fade with the beginning of the sunset of the Abbasid state as a whole. Varied reasons that led to the collapse of the Abbasid state.
Abbasid rule ended in Baghdad in 1258 when the oldest Hulagu Khan Tatar on the looting and burning of the city and killed most of its inhabitants, including the caliph and his sons. Moved from surviving from Bani Abbas to Cairo after the destruction of Baghdad, where they established the caliphate once again in the year 1261 AD, and by this time he was the Caliph has become a symbol of the unity of the Islamic state religion, but in fact, the Mamluk sultans were the actual rulers of the state.
Abbasid caliphate lasted list until the year 1519 AD, when they swept the Ottoman armies, the Levant and Egypt and opened its cities and castles, last caliphs Vtnazl his title to Sultan Al-Othman, Selim I, became the Ottomans successors Muslims, and taken center of the capital of Cairo to Astana.

الثلاثاء، 10 نوفمبر 2015

Abbasid Caliphate

Abbasid Caliphate is the name given to a third Islamic caliphate in history, and the second-Islamic dynasties. Could Abbasids to throw off the Umayyad of trained and Astafrdoa succession, has been spent on that ruling dynasty and chased her children even spent the most of them were not spared them only resorted to Andalusia, was among them Abdul Rahman bin Muawiya ibn Hisham bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan I, Vastoly on the Iberian Peninsula, and we stayed in a handicap for the year 1029 AD.
Abbasid state was founded by the descendants of the youngest uncles of the Prophet of Islam Muhammad bin Abdullah dynasty, namely Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, was the Abbasids in the establishment of their state on the horse, aggrieved at the Umayyad to the exclusion adopted them from positions of state and major centers, and keep Arabs out, also persuaded the Abbasids Shiites to help destabilize the entity of the Umayyad dynasty. Transfer Abbasid capital of the state, after the success of their revolution, of Damascus, to Kufa, then Anbar before they constructed the city of Baghdad to be their capital, which flourished for three centuries, and became the world's largest cities and the most beautiful, and the capital of science and the arts, but the star took to fade with the beginning of the sunset of the Abbasid state as a whole. Varied reasons that led to the collapse of the Abbasid state, notably: the emergence of populism and different religious movements in this day and age, populism has led to a preference for non-Arabic people on the Arabs, and the long controversy between the parties to the conflict, and each team won his sons. In addition to political populism, it formed a multi-religious teams opposed the Abbasid rule. The centerpiece of the dispute between the teams and the referees between the Abbasids is «succession» or lead the Muslims. And each had its own group of them and its own system and logos and the way in calling for these principles aimed to achieve its objectives in the establishment of rule that you want. And this made the difference people sects, parties, and became the Abbasid communities where the fields of jostling opinions and contradict, this broadening of the political dispute between the citizens of the Abbasid state and helped cracked ideological unity which is the basis of political unity. And internal factors that encouraged the spread of separatist movements, the expansion of the Abbasid state, so that after the capital and the distance between the parts of the country and the difficulty of transportation at that time, made the governors in the country's remote exceed their powers and riding in the affairs of their states without fear coming from the capital of the caliphate armies to quell the movement of separatism and which were not up until it was too late, and the most prominent separatist movements from the Abbasid State: Alodrash movement and Aghlabids, the movement of the Fatimid.
Abbasid rule ended in Baghdad in 1258 when the oldest Hulagu Khan Tatar on the looting and burning of the city and killed most of its inhabitants, including the caliph and his sons. Moved from surviving from Bani Abbas to Cairo after the destruction of Baghdad, where they established the caliphate once again in the year 1261 AD, and by this time he was the Caliph has become a symbol of the unity of the Islamic state religion, but in fact, the Mamluk sultans Egyptians were the actual rulers of the state. Abbasid caliphate lasted list until the year 1519 AD, when they swept the Ottoman armies, the Levant and Egypt and opened its cities and castles, last caliphs Vtnazl his title to Sultan Al-Othman, Selim I, became the Ottomans successors Muslims, and taken center of the capital of
Cairo to Constantinople.
Abbasid state in the maximum amplitude in 850:

الاثنين، 9 نوفمبر 2015

Marwan ibn Muhammad

Marwan II ibn Muhammad ibn Marwan I ibn Abi al-Aas bin illiteracy Qurashi, Abu Abdul Malik, the Umayyad caliph, Marwan known ass. Also known as Marwan Aldjada relative to the polite frizzy bin AED, and is said to hit the proverbial "Be patient in the war of the donkey."
(72 AH-13 Dhu al-Hijjah 132 AH / 691-23 July 750 AD) is the last of the Umayyad caliphs in Damascus. Grandson took over the succession after his uncle, Abdul Malik, Ibrahim ibn al-Walid, who gave up his succession. Nicknamed Abu Abdullah existing right of God, and he does not cease to fight the Kharijites. Prior to his succession, the ruler of the territory of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Has shown the efficiency and capacity in the management of his affairs, individual raids on the Turks and Khazars within its mandate after the great battles.
When he ascended to power and took over the succession, he could not stand in the way of conspiracies and strife that ravaged his state, even though spending on the unrest, revolutions and prosecution of conspirators against the Islamic state entity and outlaws in the period since the beginning of his reign. As it was known that he was a hero brave shrewd, thoughtful, mighty, up Sir Balsry, and dries his LAPD as described by historian Ibn many, but it was defeated in the Battle of the Zab critical, and fell Umayyad state then, he said to have continued in hiding until he was found in Abusir and killed.

الأحد، 8 نوفمبر 2015

Ibrahim ibn al-Walid al-Qurashi

Ibrahim ibn al-Walid al-Qurashi Umayyad (128-128 AH) corresponding to (744 AD - 744 AD), the Umayyad caliph XIII. Caliphate era took over from his brother over the third. Did not last reign long as no Ibayah but the people of Damascus, and goes against not recognized by Marwan bin Mohammed bin Marwan I have promise in charge is a third brother over the death of Caliph atheist ten-Walid II Bin Al-Yazid II this maneuver it was to receive the succession. Came the rule of Ibrahim ibn al-Walid in the state after the disturbance was at the height of its prosperity and power, ordered the killing of two sons of Caliph al-Walid II, fearing for his reign. And broadcast in succession seventy days, and ended his reign when he took Marwan II is Damascus, who controlled the state and the waiver of Abraham for his succession, and Ibrahim disappeared, then appeared after security Marwan. And murder with the killing of the Umayyad while their state fell at the hands of the Abbasids, and was told in the sinking of the Zab river, and that was the year 132 Ah 

السبت، 7 نوفمبر 2015

Yazeed Ibn al-Walid

Yazeed Ibn al-Walid over the Umayyad Qurashi (86-126 AH / 705 AD -744 AD), the second ten Umayyad caliph. He died shortly after he took his succession did not last more than six months.
Yazid called incomplete because he wanted to follow the example of old bin Abdul Aziz Vanquish like old army salaries after that was over the second Umayyad caliph IX may just make matters after his succession.
Came to power after a coup on his cousin Al-Walid II as it moved from the suburb of Mezze one of the suburbs of Damascus, who controlled the mosque and sent the commander of his own could arrest of Walid II in his palace and kill him. They tend to repair itself and was austere. Crown Prince brother Ibrahim ibn al-Walid.
It was the first out with weapons in Eid. That day came out between two rows of them riding the arms of the fortress door to the chapel.

الجمعة، 6 نوفمبر 2015

Al-Walid ibn yazeed

Al-Walid II Umayyad Qurashi and newborn nicknamed II (707-744 AD) ruling atheist ten of the rulers of the Umayyad nicknamed Abu Abbas. Sentenced to one year and two months from 743 to 744 m. His mother or pilgrims girl Mohammed bin Yusuf brother pilgrims. He came to power in Damascus after the death of his uncle Hisham bin Abdul Malik.
Was killed by his soldiers in the war that took place between him and his cousin Yazid III year 126 AH (744 AD) was led by Mohammed bin Khalid forced Bajali was in al-Nu'man bin Bashir Balbkhra Palace, and hold his head to Damascus Vensb Mosque. Showing his head and his brother Suleiman ibn Yazid said: dimension him testify that he was Hroba of vintage Magna.
The warrant of arrest for Al Waleed Khalid bin Abdullah forced Bajali and tortured until he died, his son Mohammed was directed at the head of the group that killed the newborn, but it was in retaliation for his father (Khalid forced) and taking revenge. Waleed died at the age of 38 years and the short duration of his rule did not last more than one year

الخميس، 5 نوفمبر 2015

Hisham bin Abdul Malik

Hisham bin Abdul Malik al-Qurashi Umayyad (71-125 e) (691 m - 743 m) was tenth Umayyad caliphs (ruled: 105-125 AH / 724-743 AD), was in the custody of the maximum breadth of the Islamic empire, fought the Byzantines and seized his armies on Narbonh and reached the gates of Poitiers (France) where she signed Battle of Tours. Umayyads ruled areas in 750 AD by the Umayyad dynasty in 750 AD
Islamic conquests witnessed during the reign of Hisham bin Abdul Malik significant progress.
Born in Damascus. Apparent succession after the death of his brother in more than 723 m. And increased in the custody of tribalism between Almdharah and Alemnip, caught mesmerized many revolutions around the country: the Kharijites revolution and Shiites in Kufa (led by Zaid bin Ali bin Al-Hussein), and Berbers in Morocco; as well as troubled strife in the country beyond the river, has spent all of them acknowledged for his skill and cunning and strength.
During his reign became the state of the Umayyad start a permanent capital and the seat of the caliphate of Damascus, the capital of the summer, a city of Rusafa on the Euphrates in Syria River called Rusafa Hisham defined as gardens and orchards miniature orchards Damascus, interested in the organization of the bureaucracy, and the work to take care of science and culture, and translated in the custody of a lot of literature. Work on the reform of agriculture Fjvv swamps and increased the area of ​​cultivated land on the banks of rivers and around the state. He gave expansions, and achieved many victories over the Romans and in the south of the Caspian Sea. His reign marked by the rule of safety in the Levant and across the Islamic country. Rasafa died, and is one of the powerful Umayyad caliphs.

الأربعاء، 4 نوفمبر 2015

Yazid ibn Abdul-Malik

Yazid ibn Abdul-Malik al-Qurashi and nicknamed the Umayyad Yazid II was born in 71 AH. Crown Caliphate in Damascus after Omar bin Abdul Aziz year 101 AH, the son of nine and twenty years in the words of Hisham bin Muhammad [1] era of his brother Suleiman bin Abdul Malik. Said, "Abdul Rahman bin Zaid bin Aslam:" As the Crown over the succession said Sirois biography of Omar bin Abdul Aziz came forty senators Vhhdoa him what the caliphs account nor torment His son Almajhun to Omar bin Abdul Aziz died, said more than God, what age Bohoj to God to me sued forty days walking the biography of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, then changed it and said, "Salim bin Bashir": Omar bin Abdul Aziz wrote to Yazid II while dying peace you but after I do not showed me only for unmet God is God in the nation of Muhammad, let the world for those who It shall praise thee and not to those who do not spend Aadhirk and peace.
His days were days invasions and conquests, the greatest surgeon estoppel war in the country beyond the river with the Turks and Allan and defeated them. In the year 102 AH, came out bin Muhallab over the succession to his regiment Muslim bin Abdul Malik defeated over and killed, Balaqir position near Karbala Kalbi said: They say originated sacrificed sons of illiteracy Karbala on religion and on Uqair generosity.
It was Yazid II of Almruat owners with excessive demand pleasures, it has an important love Bjaratin of Jawarah, one called Hababah and the other called safety was infatuation love Hababah and built her a palace beautiful Damascus and Accessories and endowed the best decorations and famous story Hababah whatever fame in history, died after she died a few days easy reportedly seventeen days. Khalifa Matt does not know Loving others. Novels have been uncertain about what is not worthy because of his passion for concubines said, and to what it is that some historians, including historian Ibn entice Brady, author of (Brilliant Stars) reject these novels and Erdunha to curse the rebels Abbasids the Umayyad and especially in this period of the late Umayyad rule, and they foisted and malicious.
Ibn Kathir said of him:
«What was it quite a bit, but it is clear that political expertise and administrative efficiency, were not qualify him to fill his place, and the leadership of the State or the great achievement of achievements, and unique policies that draws the attention, was more than an ordinary governor is not politically mighty Kamaaoah, or administratively successful slave King , or a reformer such as Omar, was not as offensive as the daughter of Al-Walid II, and can say that the inaugural succession after Omar bin Abdul Aziz made the paradox between him and Omar clear and large, and led to the opacity of the image of the Muslim population. »
According to promoter gold Messaoudi Page 210: Abu Hamza outside if said Bani Marwan and saliva said Yazid II said: sit Hababah on his right hand and safety on his left, then he said: I want to fly, flew to curse God and a painful torment. Speeches bin Abdul Malik more than people saying (Dear people he to obey a creature in disobedience to the Creator but obedience to God it obeyed God Atiaoh what obeyed if disobeyed or invited to sin this people to disobey and Aitaa I say this and I ask forgiveness from God for me and you and peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings be upon you). It was sent at the same this year to those who were under his command in Iraq (Yusuf ibn Umar) and brought him to Damascus, when he stood in front of him and in his hands and had a long beard he took his beard and Oboukh I warn and removed from office because of his sack and because of outrage on Alemnip They folk Khalid bin Abdullah forced, and this act and this sermon to Yazid II sign of fairness in governance, integrity and beyond all reproach.

الثلاثاء، 3 نوفمبر 2015

Omar bin Abdul Aziz

Abu Hafs Omar bin Abdul Aziz bin Marwan bin al-Qurashi Umayyad rule (61 e \ 681 m - 101 e \ 720 m), is the eighth Umayyad caliphs. Year 61 AH born in Medina, and he grew up at his maternal uncles from Al Omar ibn al-Khattab, Vtother their companions and community in the city, and was a great demand for the application of science. In the year 87 AH, and above Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik on the Emirate of Medina, then join the mandate Taif his 91 years, he became ruler of all of the Hijaz, and then isolate them and go to Damascus. When he took Suleiman bin Abdul Malik succession proximity and make it a minister and an adviser to him, then made him his heir, when Solomon died in 99 AH took Omar succession.
Marked by a succession of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, a number of features, including: the Justice and Equality, stated grievances that were the predecessors of the Umayyad may have committed, and the isolation of all the governors oppressors and punished, as re-work Shura, so several more of the fifth scientists Caliphs, as interested in science legitimacy and ordered the codification of the Hadith. Omar succession lasted two years and five months and four days, even poisoned killed in 101 AH, Vetoly bin Abdul King over the succession after him.

الاثنين، 2 نوفمبر 2015

Suleiman bin Abdul Malik

Suleiman bin Abdul Malik bin Marwan I ibn Abi al-Aas bin illiteracy (54-99 AH / 674-717 AD), the Umayyad caliph VII, which is one of the successors of the sons of the mighty illiteracy, born to Damascus and the Crown succession on the death of his brother Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik in 96 e. And the duration of the succession does not exceed two years and seven months. (Referee: 96-99 AH / 715-717 AD).
People were in Damascus they call a good key and love him and blessed him sowed justice and fair to both stop Bbabh, and Caliph Suleiman bin Abdul Malik is characterized by beauty great purpose of procreation and the dignity tall white face coupled eyebrows eloquent eloquent, he worked in his term succession every Maver interest of the people and maintained the breadth and strength State of the Umayyad and care about all people Maani was cleared prisoners and prisons and treat everyone the best FXP love and it was fairer Caliphs, Muslims and Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz after him.
During the reign of Caliph Suleiman bin Abdul Malik conquests Umayyad continued in Asia and opened Gorgan and Tabaristan, and equipped with a large army from the coast of the Levant and prepared Umayyad fleet and walking in the ships to the siege of Constantinople, and walked with the campaign and the determination not to come back until you open Constantinople or die and he died stationed in glutinous northern city of Aleppo .

الأحد، 1 نوفمبر 2015

Al-walid bin Abdul Malik

Walid bin Abdul Malik Umayyad al-Qurashi, Abu Abbas was born in Medina in 668 AD \ 50 AH-715 \ 96 e and the rule of 705 m up to 715 m. It was his father, Crown Prince of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan and his brother, his brother Crown Prince Suleiman bin Abdul Malik.
It did not send him and his father in percentage desert to learn the Arabic language and literature at a young age, pity him, so he raised this lack of education in his mastery of the Arabic language, and in spite of it, it has acquired from his father's many advantages that enabled him to take over the succession.
Nicknamed the era of the first newborn golden age of the State of the Umayyad was his time at the top of the prosperity of the Umayyad dynasty drew leaders from Damascus to open the country in different directions where Islam arrived to China in the east and to Andalusia (Spain) to the west, and it was his men Muhammad bin Qasim who opened the country's Sindh and Qutaiba ibn Muslim and to Khurasan who opened Transoxiana and Musa Bin Naseer, who joined the Tariq ibn Ziyad in the open and in the West African open-Andalus. Umayyad dynasty reached the height of his reign in full throttle as they opened their armies Bukhara, Samarkand and Khiva, and Ferghana, India and Tangier and Al-Andalus. It stretched the limits of his time in the Islamic state from Morocco and Spain Far to the west and reached the breadth of the Umayyad dynasty to the country of India and China in the east Turkistan The parties in Central Asia to be the Umayyad dynasty largest Muslim empire in history.

The Great Mosque of Damascus, built more monumental arrangement for al-Walid

السبت، 31 أكتوبر 2015

Abdul Malik bin Marwan

Abdul Malik bin Marwan Umayyad al-Qurashi, Abu al-Walid (26 H - 86 H / 646-705 AD). Fifth Umayyad caliphs and was one of the greatest Caliphs, the title of the father of Kings (Referee: H 65 - 86 H / 685-705 AD), has expanded the Umayyad dynasty and flourished in his Damascus was the capital of the state flag and a beacon of the greatest cities of the Muslim world. Took Abdul Malik bin Marwan succession after the death of his father, Marwan e 65 years, after a difficult period filled with political troubles, and was divided between the Islamic state Khalaftin. The Umayyad dynasty Egypt and the Levant control while Iraq and the Hijaz under a succession of Abdullah Ibn al-Zubayr who ran the succession of Mecca. Sent Abdul Malik bin Marwan bin Yusuf pilgrims in order to simplify the Umayyad influence over the entire Islamic land.
Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf went to Iraq and defeated and to Basra. Then Hajjaj bin Yusuf came out with his army to Taif, and wait for the successor to provide him with more armies, Vetoalt armies to him even piety completely, walked to Mecca and laid siege to Ibn al-Zubayr where, and installation of catapults on the Abu Kubais and on Mount Qaiqaan, and the long months of the war. And killed Ibn al-Zubayr and defeated his army.
Crown King Abdul pilgrims to Iraq for frequent strife there. This emerged after Abdul Rahman bin Shaggy to turn against the Umayyad dynasty asked the pilgrims of Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan periods Votah what he wanted and decapitate bin Shaggy.
Action Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan in the succession to lay the foundations of the Islamic state and the protection of the state and the spread of Islam in distant lands where the open country of Morocco in succession and generosity of scientists, intellectuals and attracted to Damascus beacon of science and created the role of science in the nation's capital and in the Islamic cities and has in his time a lot of achievements that are still to this day.
He worked hard Abdul Malik bin Marwan in securing the borders of the state and subjected Armenia and the coasts of Syria and the opening of the defenses of important issues include the Mrash and Amuriyah and Antioch in 62 Hegira gave the order to take over Musa Bin Naseer Africa is the sequel conquests in, and went to open more of the country, showed ingenuity in the affairs of the Department of State and used the elite of skilled men of his time did much of his time and issued the first Islamic currency and unified weights and was a major economic step liberated the Islamic state's economy from dependence on foreign currency the most important Byzantine dinar, and Arabs bureaucracy and abscess and trained cadres on money affairs management was an important step in Islamic history.
SEC dinars during the reign of Abdul Malik bin Marwan It is located in the British Museum
Abdul Malik bin Marwan was able to overcome the political problems, and establishes the State of
New rules on strong foundations, so several historians the second founder of the Umayyad state

الجمعة، 30 أكتوبر 2015

Marwan I ibn Al-hakam

Marwan I ibn Al-hakam ibn  Abi al-Aas Qurashi fourth Umayyad caliphs of the Umayyad dynasty (2 AH-65 AH / March 28 623-7 May 685 AD) in Damascus. (Referee: 64 AH-65 AH / 683-685m), and the second founder of the Umayyad dynasty. Apparent by his succession after the death of the Umayyad Muawiya ibn Yazid. The influence of the Umayyad had pledged allegiance to the weakness of most of the regions where the Caliph Abdullah bin Zubair. Even Sham, the influence of the Umayyad stronghold, has been divided between Mbaiein to Marwan I and Mbaieian to Abdullah bin Zubair, led Dahhaak bin Qais, who dominated on Damascus. Marwan Dahhaak Army attacked Voqah Bmarj Rahat and defeated him. After control of the Levant, Marwan went to Egypt with his army, which had pledged allegiance to Abdullah bin Zubair, income and passed his son Abdul Aziz bin Marwan them. The fall of Egypt, which had supplied Abdullah bin Zubair Balglal in Mecca became weak position.
Marwan sent armies created: the first to the Hijaz to fight Abdullah bin Zubair and the second to fight Musab ibn al-Zubayr's brother Abdullah and Oalih on Iraq. The first and the second army defeated the army did not achieve its objectives.
Marwan Matt has succeeded in subjecting the Levant and Egypt to the Umayyads while failure in the control of the Hijaz and Iraq.
His son, Abdul Malik bin Marwan succession after him and succeeded in eliminating Abdullah bin Zubair and extend its control over all of the Islamic state and the opening of the Maghreb

الخميس، 29 أكتوبر 2015

Muawiya ibn Yazid

Muawiya ibn Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan ibn Harb bin illiteracy Umayyad al-Qurashi, known Bamaaoah second, third Caliphs, arrived in succession after his father more than in the year 64. The succession of three months Bean and forty days other words, and then went to the podium and announced to leave the succession.
Masoudi said: and the king of Muawiya ibn Yazid after his father, was his days forty days until he died, and was told: two months, and was told otherwise, and was known as the father of increases, but when the Crown Caliphate Abu Leila, this match was the underdog of the Arabs, and the poet says :
I see strife Hajt M'zajlha and King after Abi Layla those dense with
And when death was attended by the children of illiterate met him and said to him: to confide than I saw of your household, said: God, what tasted the sweetness of Khalavtkm how Otqld and diminished. And Taatjlon you sweetness, and Otjl bitter, Oh God, I am innocent of them Mtkhal about, Oh God, I do not find Navarra as parents Shura Vajolha them pitching her they see Welcome her, she said to him his mother: I wish I rag menstrual cycle did not hear from you this speech, he said to her and Whitney ma Rag menstruation did not Otqld this, Otvoz illiteracy Bhlautea sons and I acknowledge my Bozarha and prevent its people? Both! I am innocent of them have Tnozaa in the cause of his death, some of whom felt that watering a drink and some of them felt that Matt doom his nose, and some of them felt that stab, and arrested the son of a twenty-two years, and was buried in Damascus, and bless him Alwaleed Bin Bin Abi Sufyan threshold, to be the case his after him, and when he Enlarge second appeal fell dead before the end of the prayer, introduced Uthman ibn Abi Sufyan bin threshold, said: Nbayek? He said, that does not fight and I begin fighting, so it Vobwa, became to Mecca, and entered the inter Ibn al-Zubayr.

Yazid Ibn Muawiyah

Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan Umayyad Qurashi Damascene (born 23 Ramadan 26 for Migration and died on Tuesday 14 March 64 AH / July 20 647 and died on November 12, 683), (judgment of 15 July 60 to migrate to 14 March 64 AH / April 21 to November 12 680 683).
Born in succession companion Othman bin Affan in 26 of migration. In the village of Alamatron Mason and his mother is the girl Bhdl canis, Muawiya later divorced her. He lived period of his life in the desert between his maternal uncles.
Took over the succession after the death of his father in 60 years of immigration was left of the opponents of the idea inaugural throne - four - when he came to power is the companion Hussein bin Ali, the Companion Abdullah bin Zubair. In 61 years of migration companion Hussein went to Iraq after he sent people to come and become a prince, but once arrived there even abandoned the idea and went to war with Hussein Obeid-Allah ibn Ziyad army ended his martyrdom. Year 62 for Migration passed without major events, but the opposition companion Abdullah bin Zubair in the Hijaz, Tihama taken into growth railed people of Medina in the year 63 of migration on over and laid down their oath of allegiance and showed Abdullah bin Zubair cursing increases, the increases processing army to fight Abdullah bin Zubair , and that the people of the city refused to return in obedience. 63 years of migration ended Banhzam people of the city and continued the siege and the fight against opponents of Mecca until the death in more than 64 years of migration.
After his death, his personality over the controversial among historians, scientists and the public about his conversion to Islam or infidels remained, and about him or prevention of it, and set it on the hostility family of the house or innocence of the monument, and about drinking alcohol or acquitted

الأربعاء، 28 أكتوبر 2015

Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan

Abdul Rahman Abu Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan Umayyad al-Qurashi, of the Prophet Muhammad and one of the owners of the Book of Revelation. Sixth caliph in Islam and the founder of the Umayyad dynasty in Syria, the first successors. Born in Mecca and learn writing and arithmetic, and gave up before the conquest of Mecca, and when Caliph Abu Bakr and above the leadership of the army under the command of his brother Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan, was the introduction in the open and Arka Sidon, Byblos and Beirut City. When the Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab made him ruler of Jordan, and then above Damascus after the death of the emir over (his brother), and then Lah Osman bin Affan Levantine home and make all the governors Omassarha subordinate to him. After the killing of Osman became Ali bin Abi Talib al-Khalifa An argument disagreement between him and rolling around the act to be done after the murder of Caliph Uthman to be assassinated son outside mg graduate Vetoly his son Hassan bin Ali succession and then give it up for the rolling year 41 AH according to the era between them, founded the Muawiya State Umayyad capital of Damascus, and  took him

Umayyad state

Umayyad Caliphate (41-132 AH / 662-750 AD) is the second succession in the history of Islam, and the largest in the history of Islam. The sons of the ruling was the first Muslim families illiteracy, it ruled from the year 41 AH (662 m) to 132 AH (750 AD), and was the capital of the state in the city of Damascus. Umayyad dynasty reached the peak amplitude during the reign of Caliph tenth Hisham bin Abdul Malik, as it extended its borders from the parties to China in the east to the south of France to the west, and was able to open Africa, Morocco, Andalusia and the south of Gaul and Sindh and beyond the river.
Umayyads in their lineage due to illiteracy bin Abd Shams tribe of Quraish. And he had an important role in the era of ignorance and during the Islamic period. Aslam Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan in the era of Prophet Mohammed, and founded the Umayyad dynasty on his hand, and he once ruler of Sham during the reign of Caliph Omar ibn al-Khattab, then broke a dispute between him and Ali ibn Abi Talib after the Siege of Uthman, even cede his son Hassan succession to Sid after the death of his father, state Vtosst so. Sid took the Byzantines for some semblance of governance and administration as making the hereditary succession when the reign to his son over the mandate of the Covenant, and took the throne and surrounded himself with guards and splendor King, and built him a special compartment in the mosque, also established the Office of the ring and the mail system. After the death of more than disrupted things, demanded Ibn al-Zubayr succession, then managed Abdul Malik bin Marwan I of the defeated and killed him in his 73 years of Mecca, landed state again.
Greater conquests took place during the reign of the Umayyad Walid bin Abdul Malik, Morocco completed the dialogue open, and opened up the whole of Andalusia, and opened the Sindh led by Muhammad bin Qasim and Transoxiana led Qutaiba ibn Muslim. His successor, Suleiman bin Abdul Malik, who died on the battlefield during his siege of Constantinople, then Zahid Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz, who is one of the best biography of the Umayyad caliphs. And his successor, after his cousin over, then Hisham, who opened his reign in the south of France, and his reign was long and many stability. After his death the country has entered into a state of extreme turmoil, even Marwan II dominated the succession, he took moving between regions and suppress the revolutions and upheavals, and then met with the Abbasids in the Battle of the Zab defeated and killed, and the end of the Umayyad dynasty.
Witnessed the reign of the Umayyad dynasty, revolutions and many did test, and was Mnfzu most of these revolutions either Khawarij or Shiites. The most prominent of those revolutions Hussein Bin Ali revolt against Yazid, when a student succession, where she met with him Umayyad armies in the Battle of Karbala, which ended with his death. And then the many Shiite revolts to avenge him, including those who repent revolution and the revolution in the chosen Althagafi, then Hdooa irrepressible after more than half a century until Zaid bin Ali revolution. The Kharijites rebelled again and again, but did not calm down for nearly twenty years between the middle of the reign of King Abdullah and the beginning of the era increases. It was for months the governors of the Umayyad Al-Hajjaj ibn Yusuf significant role in the suppression of these revolutions and comfort her during the late first century, especially as he had to and from Iraq and the Levant, which was - and especially the city of Kufa - the worst enemies of Umayyad rule, while the Levant is an ally of the Umayyads and their capital. Of the fiercest revolutions that developed on the Umayyad dynasty also revolutions Abdullah bin Zubair and Abdul Rahman bin Shaggy.

الثلاثاء، 27 أكتوبر 2015

Ali bin Abi Talib

Ali bin Abi Talib bin Muttalib al-Hashimi al-Qurashi (13 Rajab 23 s e / March 17 599 m - 21 Ramadan 40 AH / January 27 661 m) cousin of Mohammed bin Abdullah, the Prophet of Islam and his brother in law, from each house, and foster when he died and his parents and grandfather, and a his companions, is the fourth Caliphs when the year and one of the ten missionaries heaven and the first Shiite imams.
Born in Mecca and sources indicate that his birth date was in the middle of the Kaaba, [1] and his mother Fatima girl lion Hashemite. Aslam before the Prophet's migration, which is the second or third people entering into Islam, and the first of the safest of the boys. Migrated to Medina after the migration of Muhammad and three days with his brother Mohammed himself while brotherhood among Muslims, and his wife, his daughter Fatima in the second year of migration.
Ali participated in the invasions of each apostle except the Battle of Tabuk, where his successor, where Mohammed of the city. [2] and knew Bhdth and his proficiency in the fighting was an important factor in the victory of Muslims in various battles, notably the Battle of the Trench and the Battle of Khyber. I was on the position of the Prophet Muhammad confidence was a Book of Revelation and the most important one of his ministers and ambassadors.
The status of Ali bin Abi Talib and his relationship with the owners of the Prophet into a historical and ideological disagreement between different Islamic sects, sees some of them that God has chosen a trustee and an imam and a successor to the Muslims, and that Muhammad had declared in a speech Bourne, therefore considered that the selection of Abu Bakr to succeed Muslims was contrary to the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad , as they see that some of his companions were tense relationship. On the contrary, some of whom deny the occurrence of such an installation, and they see that the Prophet by the owners of the relationship was good and stable. The difference in belief about Ali is the original cause of the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites over the ages.
Apparent succession in 35 AH (656 AD) in Medina, was sentenced to five years and three months was described by political instability, but it was marked by significant progress of civilization, especially in the capital of the new caliphate Kufa. And signed a lot of fights because of sedition, which is an extension of the Siege of Uthman, which led to the dispersion of Muslims row and their division of the Shiite Ali al-Khalifa legitimate, and Shiites Osman claimants his blood led Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan who the killer in two rows, girl Abu Bakr, Aisha, along with Talha and Zubair bin Floater killers who on the day of the sentences by the most recent strife Some even Atharboa; also came out on the group knew Baljuj and defeated them in Nahrawan, featured Taade groups and disassociate itself from his rule and Ssayasth named Balnoesb Perhaps the most prominent of the Kharijites. Cited by Abdul Rahman bin mg in 40 AH Ramadan in the year 661 AD.
Ali became famous when Muslims Balvsahh and wisdom, Veensp him a lot of poems and aphorisms. It is also a symbol of courage and strength and is characterized by justice and asceticism novels contained in the books of modern history. It is also of the greatest scientists of his day note accordingly if not the oldest ever as Shiites and some Sunnis believed, including a number of Sufi difference

Othman bin Affan

Othman bin Affan Umayyad al-Qurashi (47 Q.h - 35 AH / 576-656 AD) [1] third Caliphs, and one of the ten promised Paradise, and the former to Islam. The lights nicknamed because he married two of the daughters of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, where he married a paper and then after her death he married Umm Kulthum.
Osman was the first immigrant to Abyssinia to save Islam and was followed by other immigrants to the land of Abyssinia. Then emigrated second migration to Medina. The Messenger of Allah trust him and love him and honor him for modesty and good morals and considerate and had his money to support the Muslims and those who believe in God, and ravenously paradise such as Abu Bakr, Omar and Ali and the rest of the ten, and told him that he would die a martyr.
Apparent Osman succession after the Shura, which took place after the death of Omar bin al-Khattab the year 23 AH (644 AD), and his successor lasted for about twelve years. Has been in the custody of the collection of the Qur'an and the work of expansion of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, and opened in the custody of a number of countries and expanded the Islamic state, it is countries that have opened up in the days of his succession Armenian and Khorasan and Kerman and Sajistan, Africa, Cyprus. The first naval fleet to protect the Islamic Islamic beaches of attacks was established by the Byzantines.
In the second half of succession Othman, which lasted for twelve years, sedition events that led to the A_i_hadh.okan that on Friday, 18 of Dhul Hijjah 35 AH appeared, at the age of eighty-two years old, and was buried in Baqi in Medina.


Abu Hafs Omar ibn al-Khattab infection Qurashi, nicknamed Balfarouk, is the second caliph of the Prophet Mohammed and senior owners, and one of the most people and leaders in Islamic history and the most influential. It is one of the ten promised Paradise, and the Companions and scholars Zhadhm. He took over the Islamic caliphate after the death of Abu Bakr, on August 23 the year 634 AD, corresponding to the twenty-second of June the second year 13 AH. The son of a judge of the speech expert has known for his justice and redress grievances of the people, whether they are Muslims or non-Muslims, and that was one of the reasons named Balfarouk, to differentiated between right and wrong.
Is the founder Calendar, in his time was Islam a great amount, and the expansion of the Islamic state until full Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria and Persia, Khorasan and eastern Anatolia and South Armenian and Sajistan included, who enter Jerusalem under Muslim rule for the first time, the third holiest cities in Islam, and thus absorbed State Islamic entire territory of the Sasanian Persian Empire and about two-thirds of the territory of the Byzantine Empire. Demonstrated genius Omar Bin military discourse in the organization multiple campaigns addressed to subdue the Persians who outnumbered the Muslims' strength, enabling the entire empire to open in less than two years, as demonstrated by its ability political, administrative and wisdom through the diaper on the cohesion and unity of the state was its size is growing day after day and increase the number of its inhabitants varied ethnicity.

Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq

Abu Bakr Abdullah bin Othman Taymi Qurashi (50 s e - 13 e / 573 m - 634 m) is the first Caliphs, and one of the ten promised Paradise, a Minister of the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad and his companion, and his companion when he emigrated to Medina. Prepared by the Sunnis and the community good people after the prophets and apostles, and more companions of faith and ascetic, and to love the people of the Prophet Muhammad after his wife Aisha. Usually attached to the title name of Abu Bakr Siddiq, a title to title him of the Prophet Muhammad to the large number of unbelievable to him.
Abu Bakr was born in Mecca in 573 AD in the elephant after two years and six months, [1] [2] and it was rich Quraish in ignorance, and when he invited him to Islam, the Prophet Muhammad Aslam without hesitation, was the first of the safest of free men. Abu Bakr then migrated companion of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, and witnessed the Battle of Badr and the scenes are all with the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet of what his illness in which the disease is Abu Bakr died that leads the people in prayer. Prophet Muhammad died on Monday 12 March the year 11 AH, and failures of Abu Bakr succession on the same day, he began to manage Islamic affairs of state to appoint governors, the judiciary and the conduct of armies, and wore many Arab tribes about Islam, he took it is fighting and sent armies to fight even subjected Arabian Peninsula whole under Islamic rule, and when he ended the wars of apostasy, Abu Bakr began under the guidance of the Islamic armies to open Iraq and the Levant, Iraq opened the most significant part of the land of Sham. Abu Bakr died on Monday, 22 Jumada II AH 13 years, the age of sixty-three years old, succeeded after him, Omar bin al-Khattab.

الاثنين، 26 أكتوبر 2015

The Mughal

The Mughal Empire largest empire as a single bloc, and the second largest empire in history in terms of area after the British Empire, and the greatest horror over the history of Eurasia. It is the result of the unification of the tribes of the Mongols and Turks in the so-called offline Mongolia, began Ptimujan (Genghis Khan), who announced the governor her in 1206 was the light of the invasions that have reached their maximum extent in 1405 of the Danube basin until the Sea of ​​Japan, and Veliky Novgorod near the Russian Finnish border to Cambodia where peoples ruled approximate population of 100 million people and an area of ​​land of $ 33 million km 2 (12.741 million mi 2) or 22% of the land area on the globe. For these reasons, this empire also known as the World Mughal Empire, as it spread to most parts of the ancient world known. Many new technologies and different ideologies spread across Eurasia, during the reign of this empire prolonged.
Early rupture of that empire in the wake of the war on inheriting rule between 1260 and 1264 between the Golden Horde and boxes Gakatay emerged by which it serves as the independence and refused to submit to Kublai Khan Kkhacan the Mongols. But after the death of Kublai Khan's empire was divided into four boxes or empires, each of which aims to achieve the interests and special interests, but the empire as a whole remained a cohesive, united and strong. Adults took the Yuan Dynasty boxes, the title of the emperors of China, and they move to the capital of Karakorum Khan fami offline (Beijing). Although most of the fields that accept these new rulers and offered them some loyalty and support after the peace treaty in 1304, the three western fields has enjoyed almost complete independence, and each of them continued prosperity and growth alone, as a sovereign state. By the end of the fourteenth century most of the boxes Empire had disintegrated and ended her, despite the fact that the Northern Yuan Dynasty continued by virtue of Mongolia until the seventeenth century.

الأحد، 25 أكتوبر 2015

mother of the world

Egypt is one of the oldest civilizations in the world that have appeared before writing and recording history, where Astotntha primitive peoples since ancient times dating back to the late Paleolithic (110 thousand years BC), was used in ancient Egyptian human tools of carved stone sculpture simple, and was used as wood and stones as weapons Hunting and defend himself.

Panel Narmer
In the period dating back to 6000 or 5500 BC Having said rain and prevailed drought and disappeared plants in the late Paleolithic, man was forced to leave the plateau and the use of the Nile Valley (Delta and Fayoum Central and Egypt) in search of water, in this new environment guided Rights to Agriculture, and produced grains such as wheat and barley, and Stans animal and took care of livestock, goats and sheep, and lived a life of stability and order and construction rather than navigate life, and learn agriculture, and the previous civilization of the civilizations of that time, and established houses of mud and wood, which showed the population centers in the form of small villages, Rights and took care to bury their dead in graves, as developed in this era machinery and tools industry where characterized by precision, small size, also making clay pots, featuring Neolithic transition to agriculture, stability and the domestication of animals, and improve the tools and weapons industry and housing construction and tombs and pottery.
Egyptians knew early writing, and settled in small communities and began to be civil nucleus by almost forty centuries, and began to state formation during that era was a lot of cities on both sides of the River Nile, such as good and Memphis and Bhutto and Herakonobliss and Olevatanin and Bobastis and Tanis and Abydos and Oxues and Sais and Heliopolis, but has shrunk over the centuries into three large cities in Upper Egypt were: Tinis and betray and Nakada.
And it divides the pre-dynastic period into three main parts relative to the site where the archaeological material: North sites from about the year 5500 there are BC and left traces of cultural stability but not Kmthelh in the south, and show the effects on that in about 3000 BC existed force major political was a factor that led to the integration of the first Kingdom united in ancient Egypt, where dating to this period the oldest hieroglyphics discovered, and began to kings and rulers names appear on the effects, and continued the case until the atheist and the thirtieth century 3200 BC where Mina came or united the two countries north Narmer and the South (Delta and level), and thought alot of Egyptologists that King Narmer is the last king of this covenant, and others put him in the first

السبت، 24 أكتوبر 2015

Antara ibn Shaddad

He was born into the tribe of 'Abs, in the region of Najd. His father, Shaddad, was a respected Arabic, while the mother, Zabayba, was a black slave of Ethiopia, captured from the Arabs after a war. Her skin was so dark and also his lower lip cleft won him the nickname "al-falḥa' ie" The Split ".

During adolescence and youth he practiced menial jobs because he was the son of a concubine. However he obtained the freedom during the war and Dāhis Ghabra, when his father ordered him to fight and he refused because he was a slave, and he knew only milk; in these words, Shaddad him freed. Later he made courageous gestures that helped the Banu 'Abs during the war and so was welcomed fully into the tribe. Here'Antara fell in love with his cousin,'Abla, who married before they free themselves completely.

He participated in the wars between the tribes and'Abs of Dubai and in what for him was fatal, against the
tribe of Ṭayy', he was killed by an arrow that broke the spine.


England is the largest state in the United Kingdom share a land border with the North in Scotland and Wales in the west and the Irish Sea in the north-west and the Sea of Celts in the south-west and the North Sea in the east, separated by the English Channel to the south of the European continent. It consists of mainland England from the central and southern parts of the island of Great Britain in the North Atlantic Ocean, and also include more than 100 small islands such as the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Wight. Human settled the first time in the region now known as England in the Paleolithic period, The origin of the word England to the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes that settled during the fifth and sixth century AD. England became a unified state in the year 927 AD, and since the Age of Discovery, which began in the fifteenth century, taking cultural and legal impact extends and spreads slowly across the entire world. Where it originated the English language and the English Anglican Church and the law (which is the basis of the legislative system of public law in many countries around the world), and the parliamentary system of government and accepted by a wide range of other countries. This country was the cradle of the Industrial Revolution, which began in the eighteenth century and have made England the first industrial nation in the world.

الجمعة، 23 أكتوبر 2015

Day Blood victory on sword

Battle of Karbala, also called the incident the child is the battle occurred in 10 Muharram 61 for Migration, which coincides with October 12 the year 680 AD between the followers of Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph and the Army continued the caliph of the Umayyad bin Muawiya Ibn al-Khalifa over the first Umayyad Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan. Considered the fact nicer than most battles controversy in Islamic history has been to the results and details of the battle for political, psychological and ideological effects remains controversial to this day, where this battle is the most prominent event of the series of events that have had a pivotal role in shaping the nature of the relationship between Sunnis and Shiites through history. It became the battle of Karbala and the minute details of a symbol of the Shiites and the most important cultural Mrtkzachm, and became on 10 Muharram or the day of Ashura, the day of the battle, a symbol of their belief by Shiites as "the revolution of the oppressed and the oppressor Day victory blood on the sword."


Szigetvár siege or battle szigetvár is the siege imposed on the Ottoman fortress szigetvár which form an obstacle in the way of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent in opening up Vienna in 1566 AD. The battle took place between the forces defending Habsburg Monarchy for fortified led by Croatian Nicola Subic Zrnski invading Ottoman forces led a nominal of Sultan Suleiman. Szigetvár siege took place in the period between the fifth of August and the eighth of September of the year 1566, and although it resulted in the victory of the Ottoman However, both sides suffered heavy losses. The two leaders died during the siege: Zrnski during the final battle, but Solomon died in his tent of natural causes. Killed during the siege of more than twenty thousand of the Ottoman army, while Hungarians soldiers exterminated wiped were not spared them little.

الخميس، 22 أكتوبر 2015

The most greatness Conquest

The conquest of Mecca is the invasion took place on the twentieth of Ramadan of the eighth year of immigration, January 10, corresponding to 630 AD, Muslims which could open the city of Mecca and its annexation to the Islamic state. The reason for the invasion is that the tribe of Quraish violated the truce that was between them and the Muslims, and that Baaantha allies among Aldil bin Bakr bin Abdul Manat son of Kenana (specifically the belly of them said to them, "jet sons") in the raid on the tribe Khaza'a, who are allies of the Muslims, Venqdt so outdated with Muslims who called Hudaybiya Treaty. In response, the Prophet Muhammad equipped army of ten thousand fighters to the conquest of Mecca, and the movement of the army until Mecca arrived, entered it handed over without a fight, but what was the point of the Muslim commander Khalid ibn al-Walid, as it tried some men of the Quraish, led by Ikrima ibn Abi Jahl addressed to the Muslims, Vqatlhm Khaled and killed twelve men of them, provided the rest of them, two men and killed two Muslims. And when the Prophet Muhammad came down in Mecca and reassured people, Kaaba came and he did it, and make a stab idols that were around the arch was with him, and says: «came Truth and falsehood that the falsehood was vanish», and «came right and originates falsehood and restore».

Kingdom of Sheba

Kingdom of Sheba: The Arab kingdom old Yemeni There is disagreement about Ncitha stage They are found from atheist century BC, at least it appeared clearly in the tenth century BC was the ninth most powerful unions in the tribal Yemen Yemen was the old name linked to any kingdom exaggerated. Able Kingdom formation political system he described as South Arabian scientists that federal annexed Hadhramaut and Qataban particular and the Kingdom and all of these kingdoms tribes and founded a number of colonies near the Palestine and Iraq as the texts of Assyrian and some set points in the Old Testament gives a glimpse of the existence of Sheba Old in those areas
A lot of the history of political and mysterious Kingdom Orientalists succeeded in rewriting the history of the Kingdom and purified from the myth and the like of the situation that chroniclers after Islam or associated with other cultures such as Ethiopia. The discoveries of modern archaeological research helped to write the history of Saba real chronology, but still faces the dilemma of specialists on this kingdom. The richness of Sheba and its people appear in many of the classic Greek literature and Albeznth, Arabic and Hebrew as well as for the Kingdom of special importance to the ancient peoples around the Mediterranean as a source of trade caravans laden with incense and other aromatic spices. Saba said the three wrote sacred to followers of the Abrahamic religions and most famous stories is the story of the Queen of Sheba and her visit to the king of the children of Israel Solomon months.
Saba tribe name from ancient tribes, and the meaning it has many theories and received mostly character Nonfiction fanciful without physical evidence, but the texts Missned line referred to the murderer meaning or fought with the word of Sheba included this tribe many clans of either NATO or the force, which is in the eyes of Alnsabh and the people News grandfather of old grandparents that up to them many of the Arab tribes assets, but the bulk of Alemnip tribes dating series attributed to Saba and archaeological evidence on this has not yet Vsrd Alnsabh affected by Jews in a way to track the lineages and semi-deification of the old characters but was Torah their source, which drew him those names in addition to the increases of discovering and have localization of the names appear on the face of Hebrew
Was Sbiaon worship Il Mgah (IL-Hafiz) national god, followed by the gods own tribal Each tribe god followed by a national god fathers of the tribes according to ancient beliefs in addition to the sanctification of God Ostr largest gods and which met the four kingdoms of Yemen and tribes to sanctify, and Il is the god of Akkad-Canaanite old shows in Sbiaon names in abundance, such as the donation-il and explain il a Hraahil and Sharhabeel (Hreh IL) and Krbial which means near-il (God) and "Il explain the" meaning "victory-il" or "Il sparkling" and appears in Israeli names such as Samuel, a Sammou Il and Mikael and Gabriel, Kingdom famous Bsdodha the most famous of the ancient Marib and control of a dam on the trade routes that the most important way of incense and by frankincense and transferred the old writing system known Missned line to the positions they had controlled in the north of the Arabian Peninsula, and northern Ethiopia and had them write another system known as the Psalms